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  1. How noisy are the Mishmoto fans? Looks like an easy enough replacement job from the video on YouTube.
  2. Hi Ricky, Can you believe the garage hasn't sorted the problem yet! I got fed up with them and just took my car back today. Looked into the issue in more depth... My previous diagnosis seems to be wrong as neither of the fans are coming on with or without aircon and the temperature slowly climbs on idle. Any ideas on what to check next. Just checking out the fuses now
  3. I don't know what they have checked. One fan turns on with aircon.
  4. As in the title, where do we all take our zeds? In my experience certain garages shy away from these cars and I've had some hit and miss work done. Mine has just started overheating and the garage I use are claiming it is the water pump but said that would like me to take the car away if this is the case as it would be a big job So... Any garage recommendations?
  5. The garage said they tried bleeding the system and no coolant came out at all and that that was the reason they thought it was the pump. I shall ask the garage to check the rad hoses as you suggest.
  6. So the garage thinks the water pump is at fault, is this a big job? The garage said that it might involve taking apart the font of the engine and that they don't want to carry out such a complex job as they are very busy atm :s
  7. Okay so one of the fans turns on eventually with the aircon. So I think it is the thermostat as still no hot air in the cabin. Am I safe to drive to the garage at speed so that there is airflow over the radiator? Or is a replacement thermostat a simple enough diy job?
  8. AC on doesn't turn on either of the fans. I am suspicious because of the steam coming out of my coolant tank ha ha. New symptom... Whilst driving and climate control on hot it still comes out cool
  9. So it happened today in stop start traffic, go figure. Fans don't appear to be turning and dash is indicating that the temperature is fine. Is this an obvious thermostat issue? Coolant level is fine, in fact too high for my liking even after spewing coolant out the overflow pipe. Hate to see boiling coolant in my baby Any idea what the issue could be?
  10. Good choice 😀 welcome to the family
  11. Just received this beauty from Ewen at Clark Motorsport. Very quick delivery and Haribo was demolished in seconds! Nice touch getting it fitted on Tuesday so will provide a bit of feedback sometime after. I'm sure the garage will be happy enough as the quality is very impressive, this is a well made bit of kit! Plus the girlfriend likes the colour
  12. Good to know the soundproofing hasn't made much difference, saved me a job. I can only imagine changing the cats and Y-pipe would make the drone louder. What actually causes drone anyway? Is it just the resonance in the cabin or does it sound droney outside too?
  13. Yeah I think this has to be the way forward for now
  14. Ok so a 1000 mile + update... Sound has stopped changing and I assume it is lovely and carboned up inside. Although it sounds wicked, unfortunately it has definitely got a pretty annoying drone from 2000 to about 2600 revs which is a shame because this is the sole reason I got the resonated over the non resonated.... God knows how bad the drone is from the non resonated! As a daily driver this is a bit much but perhaps can be improved by some sound proofing in the boot and bulkhead? If anyone has any idea how to decrease drone other than avoiding that Rev range completely then I am all ears. Cheers guys
  15. Because it's out of his budget? Have you checked out the ISR Single exit? Awesome sound for the a great price £300ish I think. Scorpion is just too quiet. Many people are satisfied with their Invidia exhaust. Cobra is another contender in your budget - Although the ISR single exit sounds very similar for a fraction of the cost. Thanks for the advice guys. I think I am swaying towards the Cobra Resonated with rolled tips, should do the job I may have to replace the cats as well soon as I spotted one of them had a hole. Is the hole not just in the heat shield though ? If so no worries there until they start rattling and then you could just rip the heat shield off as many have done. Or like me found it the perfect excuse to get some Berk hfc's. Hmm perhaps the heat shields are making those rattling sounds that have been annoying me no end! Anythin else likely to cause a rattle below... no more puns please this is a clean thread Exhaust Update!!! Cobra resonated exhaust is fitted and supplied by Cougar Store (thanks again!). When first fitted it sounded very muted and dull without the crackle and pops but within a short drive (20 miles) she was sounding wicked! (I assume this is the carbonation inside the exhaust which is stated to take up to 1000 miles). She is a bit droney between about 2000 and 2500 revs but I am hoping this will subside during the 1000 miles, or else I will have to change my driving style and keep more towards the redline Whenever I reach 1000 miles I can provide an update for anyone who is interested, but for now I am definately of the opinion this was a worthwhile purchase. Can't get enough of those crackles, who needs an F-Type!
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