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Everything posted by Banz

  1. Should I just go to a local independent garage? I'm probably going to try and see if there are more things that needs doing so I can get them all done in one go.
  2. It is a bit dim and I think the one that locks the window isn't working. Anyone know what bulbs I should get?
  3. I don't think it is leaking, but I don't take it out in the rain much.
  4. Oh wow I don't even need to send the v5c form off. I went to the tax website to cancel the car tax. It asked whether I sold the vehicle and then I just need to type in my registration plate, v5c number and the new owner details! Nice and easy. Thanks!
  5. Sold for £1650 115k mileage. Automatic Dent on back door Rear bumper cracked from the sun and part of lacquer coming off. Misty headlights 6 or 7 honda service stamp, can't remember. But last service stamp was at 80k. The dealer claims that the cambelt and oil has been changed but has no record or invoices. I felt that with the condition, it was good value since there were newer car with less mileage cars on gumtree for the same price. I posted it on gumtree and was sold on second day. But my gf is saying I should've put it on for more. I've never sold a car before, so presumbly I just need to send the v5c form off now, cancel the car insurance and road tax?
  6. I've only had the car less than a month But I think it is aligned if I compare it to my other cars. It's goes in a straight line fine even if I don't hold onto the steering wheel. Nor do I feel the wheel or steering wheel wobble. Either way, I'm really enjoying the car much more now after spending more time on the road than cleaning it.
  7. New Meister R Zeta S coilovers and a pair of adjustable Camber Arms, and full Geo sorted by Sly at Kaiser Motorsport in 2014 Presumably I don't need to get it checked if it was done in 2014? I had to fix a puncture about 2 weeks ago and I think they did do a wheel alignment.
  8. But you could always move to Aus and buy Precious v2? Though I heard the car tax in Aus is insanely high.
  9. It's not really a problem, just heavy steering. As most people suggested, it's most likely the tyres pressure and that I'm not used to cars like this. I test drove my friend Audi TTs 2015, and the steering is just so light. Then I let my friend tried my Zed and he was shocked on how heavy the steering is. Of course it was normal at high speed so I suppose it must be the tyres. If you compare the zed and the audi TTs, the TT is definitely much higher as well. Of course the new car suspension is really good too.
  10. At the moment she is just finding it funny to see me cleaning and polishing my zed before I go to bed. I'd say give it another month and I'll have the same problems as you guys.
  11. Picked up my missus over the weekend at the airport. She was quite pi**ed off when she heard that I went out and bought another car when we are moving out the country soon. She wasn't too excited when she saw the car. It was raining and I was just trying my best to get her suitcase into the boot. I told her to be careful of scratching the door when she open it. Tried to drive it really gently and keep the gear high to reduce the amount of noise. I told her that it will be quieter after the engine warms up. After 10 mins on the motorway, she fell asleep. Said the leather seats are really comfortable and the bass is really good. She really like the car and the handling, she said it just feels really comfy compared to my 4x4. She even said the exhaust wasn't as loud as she expected! I'm really surprised! Though she wasn't too excited about going through speed bumps or bad roads.
  12. Since the moderators have kindly edited the speed out. I just want people to know I'm not doing silly speed on the motorway, just following the flow of the traffic.
  13. Hey SteveoD! Yeah I think people noticed that I'm running it at the wrong pressure with MPSS at 30PSI. However the pots holes are quite bad at Cambridge and I already feel the ride is really rough. But I really struggle with the steering with my weak arms. I'm going to pump it to 35 next time. TT350, yeah you're right about self confidence. I drove a Lexus RX300 in the last 10 years. You know when you just switch back to a manual car, it's like learning how to drive again. I've been driving such a big car with good view of the roads, it actually makes me nervous driving a small car that is so low to the ground. I don't put my foot to the ground, my Lexus is max 6k RPM and I can count the number of times that I went to 4k RPM. The body roll of the car on the lexus is hideous, so I've never really driven that fast in it. Now with my Zed, it is a different story. I don't get much body roll so I tend to drive it faster than I drive my lexus. I still can't get used to going over potholes, I can barely feel it in my RX whereas I feel like the Zed is like going on bouncy castle. I know it's a totally different car and I just can't get used to it. I only driven 150 miles when I made this post so please excuse my ignorance. Have driven nearly 200 miles over the weekend and I'm more comfortable with it now. I keep having to tell myself there is 6 gears and sometimes I do have to check which gear I'm on. But hopefully I will soon get used to driving manual again.
  14. Sorry for being ignorant, but what does it mean? Are you saying that they are much slower or faster than you? My guess is that 350z won't have any chance against those cars?
  15. With that price, you can get it resprayed? I think its around 2k to get the whole car done?
  16. Saw this car on Auto Trader’s Android App. Thought you might be interested. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201606154955587
  17. Im glad. As i was worried driving at 70mph in heavy rain would cause me to loose control of the car.
  18. Ill get those tyres psi checked. Lol
  19. I wouldnt dare turning TC off. Maybe in a year or after some track time to learn the basics. Ive never pushed any of my previous car to the limit. But with a zed, I get too excited at times. I was going around a big bend on the outside lane at 50mph. I slowed down so much that a MPV overtook me from the inside. My lane merge into his and I shouldve got infront. But I was worried about accelerating too hard at a bend. Although i know the concepts on counter steering but have not done it nor do I want to do it on normal roads. Im running MPSS 19" on 30 psi rear and 28 front.
  20. If im driving on national speed limit. The most I would go is 10% above before i had my zed. Ive never lost control, drifted or skidded since ive started driving. Probably only tripped abs once on my 4x4 on black ice. But that was doing 5mph. Yesterday I took the zed on the motorway for the first time. Just following the flow of traffic on M1 at under **. However it was raining and i recall that on the forum, people have lost control of their car at high speed in the rain. So i drop back down to **. But cars in mid lane was going faster. I also never experienced such a heavy steering so i tend to hold it with both hands with my zed. But the suspension is so hard that if i hit a small pot hole, my hand jerks and it turn the steering. Whereas my other car, I only hold with 1 hand as it is light. Presumably with the speed that im driving. I dont really have to worry about losing control of the car? As afterall it is a sports car and is designed to go fast and stick to the road. If i just drive it like my 4x4 then hopefully ill never lose control of it? Mod Edit - speeds removed. This is a public forum open for anyone to view. Also the Team are expressly against speeding.
  21. Got it checked out. Everything is fine and the belt too!
  22. It felt like a solid thump rather than a scratching one hence why I'm worried. I always hear other cars hitting that speed bump so I was being careful! Just isn't my day Better to be safe so I'll take it to a garage, need to get the screeching belt fixed too.
  23. Today isn't a good day, I was being extra careful as well. Scuff the alloys when I was parking off street. I had plenty of space but wanted to park as close to the kerb as possible. I didn't know that the 19" sticks out that much! Then I hit the speed bump next to my house at 5-10mph.... I don't even know how the hell did that happened, I drove past that speed bump many many times and never had problems with it. I did notice the car was bouncing a little bit more than normal before I hit the speed bump, the road was a bit uneven. I probably should've waited till it stablise before I went over it. I shined a torch underneath the car and can't see anything wrong. It did felt like it hit something solid and was something behind the drivers seat. Should I get it checked out? Or I'm just being too paranoid.
  24. I leave it at my work secured car park. It's £2.70 per entry! Roof, cctv, secured gate.
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