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About Krissgti

  • Birthday 19/05/1989


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Z Hopeful

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  1. If no luck, I have a set I bought from Zmanalex last year. Work perfect
  2. I am. I'm really quite excited for it. Trainspotting 2, Ghost in the shell and now this. 2017 is shaping up not to badly I think
  3. You take these Kris, I'll need to wait till after new year and come back my holidays Thank you sir. I thought I would try and let you have dibs first, it was only fair.
  4. \I'll have them if he doesn't take them. Can send the money asap!
  5. Hi all. I'm looking to see if anyone has a single din radio surround and the modified wiring harness for sale, and steering wheel control conversion harness for sale?
  6. I'm in the position that I'm looking to leave my job and completely change career as currently, where I work is sucking the soul right out of me. I've been looking at moving back up to Scotland and moving back in with my parents and going into university or college. The thought both scares and excites me, but it has to be better than struggling to get out of bed everyday for a job you hate! Good luck!
  7. So, for the past two years, I have been back working at JLR as contractor doing testing and validation for the infotainment systems. This is nothing new to me, as I work on the previous gen system for just under three years. I must admit, over the years, it has had it's challenges, it certainly has been fun and the chance to get to see some of the world has been fantastic. Now however, without getting into too much detail, management decided to have a big reorganization of the department, which in effect involved our team being dissolved, a lot of good guys deciding to leave and us being put in different roles. I got made a team leader doing issue triage, and I utterly, utterly despise it. Most mornings are a struggle to motivate myself out of bed to go to work now, and having, had pretty horrible depression in the past, it's quickly coming back, exacerbating the whole situation. So I am now in a job I very much hate and fairly depressed. I do get lots of agencies phoning me up and putting me forward for positions, yet rarely hear anything back I would love to go into power-train development, probably in a validation and testing role, as I quite enjoy it. I'm a qualified technician as well, which you would think would count for something, but it doesn't seem so. Along with motorsport, it seems to be quite a cliquey thing to be in. That and they all want bloody MATLAB experience! Another thing that I have looked at is trying to re-train as a wind turbine technician, but again, seems to be a difficult path to go down as well. I'm not really sure what the hell to do really.
  8. I have a centre pipe and back box thats around only two years old. Genuine nissan parts.
  9. Thanks for the reply Scott. I don't think many testers bother checking it anyways.
  10. I'm now thinking about doing the thing I said I wasn't going to do, modifying the bodystyling of the car. Now, I've seen a lot of the longer nose style bumpers and a few I quite like, like the esprit one.What I have noticed with all of these though is none, not even the Nismo bumpers have holes for the headlamp wash. Mines being a UK car has the headlamp wash. IIRC, if a car has factory xenons, it must have a headlight wash. So my question, does anyone with a uk car have an after market bumper and have you had any hassle come MOT time?
  11. See image attached. Thats the kit i would very much like, but I know it would run into the thousands to buy it and get it into the country, let alone get it all fitted and painted. Of the two kits you've selected, I really don't like them, it doesn't suit the car, there are a lot more nicer kits out there, In my opinion (amuse, but it's ££££). In all honesty, I quite like the nismo kit. If I was you, I would get the spats and other parts repaired and maybe look for a nismo front bumper, not just a lip.
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