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  1. I doubt it, but I have a Japspeed K1 Y pipe back if interested, with bungs.
  2. Probably too noisy, but I have a Japspeed K1 with bung in Gloucester... 😅
  3. Japspeed K1 with bungs & Y pipe in gloucester.
  4. Japspeed K1 with bungs in Gloucester if you get desperate... 😂
  5. Bump, anybody able to take a picture for me..?
  6. Hi all, As the title says, I'm after the plugs for there rear speakers of a 350z. Or a picture of them, as for some reason I can't find one anywhere. 🤣 Previous owner cut them out of my car, so I need the plugs and about 3/4" of wire to put the speakers back in. Thanks in advance! 👍
  7. Japspeed K1 with Y pipe and bungs if you get desperate... 🤣
  8. Japspeed K1 with bungs, including Y pipe back if you get desperate!
  9. Japspeed K1 in Gloucester if of interest...
  10. Got a Japspeed K1 with bungs, with Y pipe if interested PM me
  11. Steve3085

    350z Exhaust

    Japspeed K1 with bungs. Gloucester based
  12. Japspeed K1 not being used, has bungs. Gloucester based.
  13. Hi all, As the title says, looking for one! My passenger side seems to have fallen off somewhere and I'd like to replace it. Thanks for looking Steve
  14. I have a y pipe and a k1 with bungs if of interest?
  15. Steve3085

    w brace

    Got an aftermarket one still in its box in Gloucester
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