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About simonb_350z

  • Birthday 08/10/1994


  • Location
    Spalding, Lincolnshire

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  1. I would imagine that it's more of the top of the bumper so the headlights go and making sure it has an even gap all the way along. Should hopefully only require sanding as it's brand new and not even been fitted. If anyone else can help that would be great.
  2. Hi mate no I haven't. But I would think to paint and fit would be around 150-200
  3. I brought it from mad motors and they order it in from abroad so I have no idea who made it.
  4. Bought this a while ago and decided that I don't want to put it on my car. It's brand new not even been test fitted only opened to take pictures. Just want what I paid for it £250 including postage by courier
  5. So I finally got the car lowered on Apex springs 30mm. Not much difference but the rear definitely sits a lot lower which I like. Took it for a little drive and really happy with the results
  6. Anyone had any experience with mad motors at all? Brought the bumper from there and they have been crap with updating me should be with me by now and I've tried contacting them and nothing. The payment for the bumper hasn't even gone through yet so thinking off not bothering now. On the bright side I've brought 30mm lowering springs will get them fitted this weekend
  7. 1. Andy James x2 Club entry ticket, x1 vehicle pass, track time 10.40,13.40 PAID 2. 14N x1 Club Entry Ticket, Stand Pass and another free t-shirt PAID 3. Panman 4. buster 5. Valy 6. simonb_350z 2x club entry 1x vehicle pass paid 7. KPowell 8. Mr P, x2 Club entry tickets, x1 Vehicle pass, track time 11:40, 15:20 PAID 9. Twinturboz 10.Justthejedi 11. Shire 12. Ollydykins 13. Tomb 14. Jay84 2x club entry, 1x vehicle pass. Paid. 15. Modo Paid club pass +2 16. ElliotBZ33 count me in 17. Zebedy 18. LewisH x2 Club entry ticket, x1 vehicle pass. PAID 19. chippychip123 20. Humpy - 1 x club entry ticket, 1 vehicle pass - PAID 21. Shezza 22. Karl92 23. mattbrettell- 2 x club entry ticket, x1 vehicle pass- PAID 24. Redsky- 2 x club entry ticket, x 1 vehicle pass - PAID 25. Flashback 26. reeceybeaney +1 club entry, vehicle pass - free t shirt woo Like this
  8. JWT Popcharger for 350z comes with heat shield. Was only on the car for about 6 months then took it off. £50 plus postage
  9. Did an impulse buy and brought the v3 bumper
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