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Everything posted by Andy_Muxlow

  1. Hi and welcome along buddy. Awesome looking car. Nice to meet you today.
  2. @Humpy you getting involved in this then? Come on boy weekend away and all that
  3. It's probably been set up that way in the settings maybe?
  4. Hi and welcome along buddy. Nice looking car.
  5. If the floods come as high as they sit you shouldn't be driving your car through it really. iirc they sit just below the crash bar in the front bumper.
  6. I will try to salvage some more and edit them this evening or tomorrow
  7. Some of the other cars pictures that turned out ok as well. When the sun wasn't interfering
  8. This was a nice day out, when the sun came out. Here are some pictures of the ZED's that were there. There were 5 on our stand, the other 2 were just there.
  9. Hi and welcome along buddy. Nice looking car.
  10. It sounds like the synchros have gone. It might need to be rebuilt.
  11. Hi and welcome along buddy. We need pictures
  12. Looking for ward to this meet see you next Saturday...
  13. Are you on the list buddy? If not you can't attend as this is limited to the number on the list???
  14. 1) Payco - Datsun 510 SSS. Reg WWU 276J 2) KBAD - 350z . Reg J44SUS 3) nismoandy- 350z - WP06FNX 4) Nino - 370z - Reg. SK12 XZZ 5) Olly350z - 370z Nismo - GM16 JBX 6) Andy_Muxlow - 350Z - Reg. A20MUX 7) andy james. 350z reg AJ07 ZZZ 8) Humpy - 370z N12 SRA 9) Richn370 - 370Z CX59OKP 10) ColDel - vx220 - VK05XEU 11) davey83 - 350z - GT05ZED 12) pintopete58 350z GA53SOZ 13) Charlie Boy - 350z - AK56BYT 14) 💥Zippypooz - 350z - N44SSN💥 15) hotrain69 - 350z - NA07YTU 16) JohnI - 370Z Nismo - PA04YCO 17) Loadmaster - 370Z Nismo - RK67 DZZ 18) Pinoy-R- 350z - YT55NNO 19) Jamie350z - 350z - CW54NUX 20) Linds -PJ07 LXZ 21) MatthewThain - Ginge 350Z GT - FA53 FZZ 22) Jamie_T350z - 350Z GT - UK04 ZED 23) Slipstream - 370z Nismo - GX65BOH 24) Lewis Schwier - 370z Nismo - V6 LXD 25) Shezza - 350z - B9 MAS 26) prodrive11 - 350z - YL05XPD 27) Sebastian - 350z - PR02 SEB 28) Shane - 370z Nismo - V6 XSK 29) George1996 - 350z - CK06ACK 30) sk08rad - 370z Nismo - sk08rad 31) hmale4yu - 370z Nismo Mk2 - NN18 SMO 32) Jinshim - 370z - N16 YUL 33) tauvp - 350z -t4 uvp 34) AmyZed FA51 AMY I've tidied the list up a bit moving people into the empty spaces. Hope you don't mind @Payco?
  15. Check your spam folder and the likes. They like to hide there...
  16. GLWTS. These are very nice indeed.
  17. Hi and welcome along. Good luck in your search. Check out the sales pages on here as there was a couple for sale.
  18. Yes you need to go and visit the car as you say. I think the guy taking the pictures need to learn more about taking though. They're shocking
  19. The exhaust looks like it might be a powerflow or longlife type of exhaust. with the twin mufflers it's not oem I dont think?
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