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Everything posted by Andy_Muxlow

  1. Hi and welcome along buddy. Nice looking car ๐Ÿ‘
  2. Lov Lyn looking car but as above possibly a little over priced ๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. GLWTS buddy. Nice looking car.
  4. Good stuff. I am sure it will be an epic road trip.
  5. Hi and welcome along buddy. We nee pictures of the said car of course.....๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ‘Œ
  6. Very nice Pete. Looking ffffresh.
  7. Hi Dave, I have had high flow cats on my 370 and my 350 they add a nice bit of noise. The also allow the car to breath more easily. Both of my sets have passed every MOT with no issues. I don't know if my garage warmed them up loads 1st but they have passed none the less. Tarmac sportz cats are great. Some of the American brands do need to be very hot to pass as they don't work to the same emissions standards that we do.
  8. Nice build thread so far keep it coming. An awesome looking car as well.
  9. Hi and welcome along buddy. Lovely looking car.
  10. Hi and welcome along. Good luck in your search. I know youโ€™re after a 370z but I have a 350z for sale and itโ€™s a great car. I have re upgraded to a 370z again theyโ€™re great cars.
  11. Hi and welcome along buddy. Lovely looking car you have there.
  12. Thatโ€™s on the 7th August Martin. ๐Ÿ‘
  13. I am selling my grey 1 as I was offered this beauty. I now have this 1 and my grey 1 is still for sale ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  14. They just look so good with the roof down ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  15. Mine doesnโ€™t touch them I will try and get a picture when I get rid of the covid. As my car is on my step dads drive until sold. ๐Ÿ‘
  16. I have a black 1 with a silver Z if your interested?
  17. Hi and welcome along buddy. Lovely looking car.
  18. Thanks for organising this stand again @AndyJames It was great to see everyone and meet some new friends. Can't wait for the next 1.
  19. I can't see it popping anytime soon. Although my I think it depends on a lot of things. Mileage being 1 of the biggest factors. Anything over 100,000 miles people seem to run a mile from (pardon the pun)....
  20. Shiny, but never to be seen again ๐Ÿ˜†
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