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  1. As new, unfitted. Cures the "clicking axle" problem. Includes rubber boot, grease and ties. Grease tube has split but contained in plastic bag. Torqen sells these for £200. I bought for £135 from KarateChimp on here, but all I want from you is £100 Selling as I no longer have the car SOLD
  2. Full set of standard Nissan 350z springs, dampers and top mounts / rubber boots for front and rear. Taken off a 350z with 27k miles when the owner upgraded to coilovers. I bought from GeorgeB on here but never fitted. Great condition - original stickers etc still in place. Little bits of surface rust as shown in pics. SOLD
  3. Wiper arms done (to a much higher standard after all the pointers ) and car sold, for an absolute steal, to a very lucky local guy. Hopefully you'll see it around here. Don't know whether I want to as it'll break my heart! Got some bits for sale which I'll put in the "bits for sale" bit. Suspension set and driveshaft spline thing.
  4. Thanks, I appreciate the pointers! Especially as I'm doing the wiper arms next
  5. Mild effort was not enough! After 3 coats of primer and 3 coats of Satin in looked like this: Great from a metre away but bad close up. Learned the valuable lesson that paint doesn't hide bad prep. Sighed a bit, then resanded the piece. Mixture of 320 and 600 again, but mostly 600 and the last bit done under running water - presumably a variation on wetsanding. Very effective anyway. Now looks like this - ready for round 2: The plus side was that I discovered the driver's side was either gloss, or satin + clear coat... need to do some test pieces for a proper match.
  6. Market seems to be a bit slow at the moment so I'm doing a few little jobs and enjoying it (%#@*ing loving it actually) as a second car on nice days. Replaced the battery with a beefier job - that's really improved the starting. This week's job is the scuffed/scratched passenger window switch surround. Looked at a few posts on here of people who'd done similarly, then got cracking. Firstly used the sandpaper we had lying around, then went out and bought some 320/600. A bit of mild effort and it looks like this: Tonight I'll bung on a few coats of primer, then satin black it. Hopefully it'll match the driver's side which a previous owner has redone - if not I'll have to do that. I got my primer and satin black from Amazon, brand is Hycote. Think it was £11 for 400ml of both. Then it's wiper arms.
  7. It's been a lovely few years but now the zed is up on Autotrader as I need an estate for the dog. I don't have enough posts to put it in the for sales section here sadly, but here is the link: https://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201801253099508
  8. Dibs please! I can collect an evening this week that isn't tuesday, or a weekend day/evening
  9. Will you be doing the same black centre section for this one? I really liked that on the old one
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