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Everything posted by da.murf

  1. How much is a calendar?
  2. thanks, as soon as I got it home originally I always knew it was going to be black to contrast. long term would love to switch everything black to carbon fibre but a lot of cash needed there lol!!!
  3. Yeah we are on first name terms but I have tried but at least 3 different styles appear including ebay copies and a variation between ducktails and veilside style wings, not entirely sure which one is accurate??
  4. Anyone got an example of what this one looks like?
  5. lmao at the description lol.... 'green.....' and then price lol no words needed!
  6. da.murf

    Rear diffuser

    Just quick bump did you ever get it fitted and also any contact details? Looking a duck tail spoiler thanks
  7. thought exactly the same, but black roofs have come an gone in my opinion. leaning towards silver ducktail with a gloss black diffuser/rear spat combo
  8. thanks for comments. Yeah totally get the silver thing, wouldn’t have been my first choice but the mileage and condition etc was too good to turn down. love the black and silver look myself. honest opinions guys, I’m looking a sutble ducktail spoiler on rear. Would you paint it black or silver to match car ?
  9. So it's been a fair while since my last up date, but with the zed now sorned and off road until new year I thought it would be a good time to update Last update was Car was taken to pentagon for windows to tint.... might be a little darker than I expected but overall I’m happy with the look against the bright silver paint. Just after pentagon retuned car it was time for JPPCNI Show at Eikon Centre. I was really looking forward to this and was happy the car was accepted For outside. When I arrived the car I began going over it to remove dust etc when I was asked did I want to take it inside as there was space. I was over the moon with this, as I knew that the standard inside was generally very high and my car is what I consider a lightly mod’d Daily driver/weekend car. I arrived in and realised I was up beside a friend and his amazing AE86World stand. My zed looked like the overweight cousin had just weighed up for the last event lol. The 86’s looked petite next to the zed I felt. Chris was kind enough to snap this for me And joked that I’d left the tire marks... wasn’t me honest. The overall feedback was positive from the event on my car, and I was surprised how clean it looked under the lights. If I’d thought for a second it was going inside I’d have don’t more than a quick wax and sealant the day before. Highlight for me was catching up with old friends who I rarely see now outside of shows and cars and coffee meets Few more photos from the show. Thanks to all who snapped them. After the show I decided to invest a little in new wax. Davy at Procar suggested trying Chemical Guys 50/50 wax. Car was clayed, then 2 stage polished with the DA then I used Auto Finesse Tripple for first time and found it pretty decent. Then waxed with the 50/50 and Anachem Hybrid to finish. I was pretty pleased with results. Ended up also being last decent day of the summer My son Ezra is near 2 and is mad into cars... and he is getting more and more eager to get out in zed. He cracks up when his big sister gets to school in it. Plans are over winter are droplinks, new drilled and grooves discs & pads all round, new uprated W Brace under the car, braided brake lines, single mass flywheel, uprated clutch and slave cylinder including braided clutch line and polybush the ARB bushes front and rear. All parts sitting there bar clutch and flywheel. Clutch is giving early signs of trouble as is the slave cylinder, so in new year I'll order an uprated solution Into spring plan is plenum spacer and maybe an uprev remap to help the torque curve and drivability side. Few last pics from Down royal cars and coffee meet Then into summer who knows.... keep eyeing up enkei rpf1’s lol. Thanks for the read and sorry for pic heavy! Comments and advice welcome as always.
  10. subscribed to this!! can't wait to hear it lol!
  11. I think either torquen or tarmac sportz does the smaller connectors etc
  12. da.murf


    are the brake lines still for sale?
  13. thanks for the reply, car is with mechanic early am on Thursday morning, will def need b.arms but will hold off till then for order incase needs any other suspension bits n pieces thanks on separate note, the Enkei rpf1 wheels, 18x9.5 +22 and 18x10.5 +22 what's the wait time on these wheels and is there any up coming offers etc on them? thanks
  14. Hi @Adrian@TORQEN what are you like for availability on b.arms at minute?? Thanks David
  15. Bet he hit his fuel cap searching for the tsc button lol very loud (but secretly I love that lol)
  16. Cant say I noticed the female drivers getting help. Felt the course was a good equaliser and the variation in skill level was obvious. Especially mid season with Mx5 and girl in e30 and also s15 convertible.
  17. this is awesome, well done for having the talent and knowledge to do this. might try and swing one for my birthday at end of august from the wife lol, she's getting me a throttle controller also lol, so this might add nicely to it lol!!
  18. nightmare right there!! that's where a traffic camera would save your ass
  19. Seen this on the news and few camera angles at it. Initially one news channel said they where racing, but you can see the gt86 pulls out in front of the zed. Terrible accident that was totally avoidable. Heart goes out to everyone involved. I’m sure we have all been there at meets either videoing or a quick blip of the exhaust etc. Shows how quickly south things can head
  20. The wheels and poke look great, little fettling and the drivability will be back. As as I mentioned before I’ve been humming and ha’in over these for a while but your photos have confirmed I need them in my life lol (in Northern Ireland so no probs about ending up parked beside each other at a meet lol) ive been looking at lots of tires and options what did you go for yourself? I’m assuming a bit more stretch than what I’m thinking cause of the offset? (I’m going et23 all round with 9.5 fronts and 10.5 rears)
  21. They look awesome mate. Do you think the rubbing is down to the offset rather than the width? Also what tires you running? the drawing looks awesome btw. Such a clean looking car!!
  22. Was a mates deal but typically around the 250/300 mark for rear and sides for a proper perfect job. Any aftermarket tint on drivers or passenger side front is not legal if it didn’t come out of factory like that. Gonna try and blag mot when time comes but doubtful Thanks mate. Totally over the moon with the look.
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