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Everything posted by da.murf

  1. thanks will do, will have a look, I know the rear pads and handbrake shoes will need sorting. front pads look like they have some life left
  2. thank you input and thoughts, if it was the ABS module would the ABS light also not be on?
  3. thanks for the info, peddle dance hasn't shifted the esp and tcs lights and 3 months later they still come on with each drive. in terms of overheating, im guessing you mean wheel speed sensors or perhaps yaw sensors? beginning to create a list of things to swap out/replace lol
  4. Ok I’ll have a look at that thanks. It’s not showing anything on basic obd code reader. Going to link it to a more sophisticated one asap. battery disconnect 12hrs didn’t do anything or the ecu pedal dance. all fuses seem ok. brakes where proper proper hot by end could brake disc/pad/rear shoe issues cause a tcs and esp light but not abs?
  5. Need help! Was at a Trackday yesterday and at end of the day when I started the car again to go home the esp and tsc lights came on and won’t go off. The ABS light isn’t on and throwing no codes with basic code reader. Tsc was enabled all day and working fine right until car was turned off, I’ve watched GoPro footage and the slip light was popping on and off coming out of bends etc. Fluids all ok Brake light switch seems ok as rear brake lights come on when pedal pressed. Any ideas? Pedal dance for ecu reset didn’t sort it and battery out overnight didn’t fix it either. Any ideas?? Thanks
  6. yes I’m flip flopping between air for practicality and visual impact or FI for the banter and extra power the zed needs imo
  7. few updates recently New set of tires for the summer also re-tinted the drivers and passenger side windows a light smoked tint. recently at Dubshed which is the largest car show in Northern Ireland, few photos below Past the 7yr mark with it now... toying with either looking at air-ride as I've recently moved to countryside with some terrible large bumps/holes etc or finally chatting to H-dev and going FI Comments welcome as always
  8. Nothing new to report with the 350z. Serviced at start of the summer and running well. Will be treated to tires next summer I think and it’s getting to enjoy last few sunny days before being sorned for winter. jobs for winter dye the headliner black rear indicator bulbs to silvertec few more photos from various meets this summer as always thanks for reading
  9. Was snapped leaving cars n coffee other evening 7yrs in and still love this thing
  10. Quick update here last month I changed over the pcv valve. No visible damage/clogging etc but I’m sure it was the original one so no harm changing it another cosmetic change was removing the old badly corroded wheel nuts and replacing them with Tarmac Sportz titanium ones nice n light and also tie in with the titanium exhaust lol some photos of before and afters bear in mind the old wheel nuts where less than 3yr old and not really driven in salt and winter etc
  11. aw awesome. The zeds are still a pretty rare beast here in Northern Ireland and even more so in the south. you will be a bright yellow zed in a sea of is200, twincams (ae86’s to rest of the world) and diesel vags. If you are about Belfast I’ll keep an eye out for your car lol. I’ve my zed out most days in the summer
  12. Have you been to the Donegal rally before?? bring spare tires 😂 thanks yeah super pleased with headlights. Have them also booked in to be lacquered
  13. am I right in thinking for a rev-up, its just transfer over the ballasts/seals and away you go?
  14. Yup that’s exactly what I did. Then added silvertec indicator bulbs
  15. What a job…. For a long time the headlights had been really bothering me on the zed. Typically Japanese yellowing but also I could see a clear tab inside the light that helps disperse light had also went yellow causing the entire unit to look poorly. It really aged the car in my opinion So to take the headlights out, the bumper needs to come off, which involves taking out approximately 1000 10mm bolts. Also to access around 1/2 the 10mm bolts both wheels and arch liners needed to come out too. Then headlights come out and whilst also removing approx 3mm of flesh from each knuckle Then headlights into oven for 7minutes at 100 degrees and then split. All to remove the yellowing tab. Then reverse the process inc adding silvertec bulbs etc. Polish to finish very happy with the results and freshened front end up nicely. tomorrow I’m wrapping them in a clear uv film to keep them minty clear etc
  16. its literally like thunder on cold start lol
  17. Well show season is upon us. few photos I’ve taken recently in prep and also for show applications
  18. Welp a fortnight in and im loving the recaros and Coolerworx. The shifter is ‘just’ on the side of useable fast road/track car. Any shorter/stiffer it wouldn’t work except on the track. Love how it’s looking though
  19. Big morning today The seats arrived 2 weeks ago and quickly got shipped to my house with the custom low slider rails. Anyone who has ever tried to fit a sliding rail option to a zed for an aftermarket seat always comments how difficult it is to get the seat low and sliding. Jdmdistro offered a custom low slider rail option from Japan and honeslty it was an oem bolt in style installation. Sits slightly lower than oem and slider is easy to use but seriously if you are needing an aftermarket base mount option for rails then really consider the Jdmdistro guys. the fit of the rails could not have been more perfect inc all new hardware etc also using the guide on here did the resistor mod for the seat airbags. No reset etc required so total win. had them professionally steam cleaned before installation and they came up like new few photos
  20. Updates coming thick n fast fitted my new Coolerworx shifter kit today. WHAT A DIFFERENCE IT MAKES!!!! went oem+ look rather than usual exposer mechanism etc
  21. jdmdistro who imported them mate offer a bespoke custom service where you can get ultra low sliders made for different cars. they are made in Japan with the seats
  22. welp 2 months turned into 4 months lol but they are finally here!! Currently in a dpd van coming from jdmdistro to my door with custom low rails. seats are in perfect order in terms of cloth, need a decent clean, but no rips or tears, and I have a bolster kit sitting in my eBay basket if needed lol have also fitted a coolerworx shifter kit (will get photos this weekend) and what a difference that makes lol!! Proper clunk when you shift and it's very much shortened the throw. Only thing I a doing is relocation the hazard switch. I will be keeping the oem hazard switch in its usual spot, but due to clearance issues, you can't have the plug in the back. So I have got a DE hazard switch and plan to extend the loom and have that switch hidden somewhere so, I still have hazards if needed without a big hole in the dash or cutting anything up too badly
  23. welcome! ice to see another Northern Irish Zed on the forum. I'm in the middle of deciding what to do with my headlights currently too. Ive a rev up so slightly different headlights, but equally faded and they also have a little plastic piece in the unit itself that yellows too lol
  24. Welcome aboard. another fella zed owner from comber here. enjoy the car!
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