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  1. They said £2k to open engine and have a look, then who knows how much to fix. Or source an engine...
  2. Yeah. Prefer one in UK if possible
  3. Yeah I missed the boat on those two engines
  4. Still hunting for a decent engine if anyone knows of any good ones up for sale?
  5. Thanks guys, I'll get back to you 👍
  6. Thanks all for the feedback. I drove the car about 400 metres and less than 20mph. Then had it ticking over on drive before switching off. Car has done 107,000 miles so was a bit shocked for it to be seized.
  7. Yeah it's currently sitting in Abbey Motorsport. Said they tried to move crank and wouldn't budge.
  8. I messaged that one earlier Adrian and waiting for a response. Short story is it appears to have dropped all the coolant due to a corroded pipe at the bottom and I left it parked for a couple of months. Tried to turn over at a later date and it wouldnt start. Garage have checked and says seized.
  9. Hi All, Looking for a replacement engine as mine is seized (either that or it needs a rebuild). Anyone have a recommendation for a reputable supplier? Thanks Tom
  10. Hey people, Anyone going Turbo or supercharged in their 370Z lately or have any long term experience on one fitted? Most of the posts look pretty old. Thanks
  11. Lude

    ARB Setup

    I don't do work on cars and don't want to break anything ha ha. Although.... does the ARB carry any load when the car is jacked up or is it literally an easy unbolt and bolt on the other setting job?
  12. Lude

    ARB Setup

    thanks mate. I might be on to a good setup then. I basically want fast road for some nurburgring fun
  13. Lude

    ARB Setup

    Hey All, Does anyone have advice or opinions on a good ARB setup on the Z. I have looked through google and seems like there are mixed opinions. Majority recommend a hard rollbar setup on front and soft on the back which seems to be what most rear wheel drive cars go for. Although I have seen people mention medium on the back and soft on the front for Z's. After opinions as I had one put on the back which i think Abbey Motorsport put on medium. Took it on Silverstone yesterday and it definitely had some nice turn in on the corners but not decided whether it is better or can be even better with a different setup. Hope someone has a good setup already they can recommend . I'm currently running Eiback lowering springs, eibach rear lower arms with 2.5 negative camber and whiteline rear arb which i think is on medium. Thanks Tom
  14. There's a known issue with the clutch pipe over heating on track. My clutch pedal was sat on the floor at 150mph on the nurburgring but it cooled down and popped back up. Replacement part being fitted on Friday
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