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Racy Lady

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About Racy Lady

  • Birthday February 24


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  1. I may be interested in this, my 350z is grey with orange parts hydro dipped under the bonnet etc....
  2. Racy Lady

    lower brace

    So that's well worth the money then isn't it!? Looks like a good replacement part too...shame you can't really see it lol! Il order mine now then...thanks for advice!
  3. Racy Lady

    lower brace

    Thanks very much....that would be great!
  4. Racy Lady

    lower brace

    Strangely enough, conversation currently on 350z fb page about these at the mo to...brace is £163...does not come with a fixing kit, but appears to be able to use any type of bolt with same measurements and brackets can usually be cleaned up to re-use. So im going to get the techys in my garage to put my 350z on the ramp and check it all out then order one I guess..
  5. Racy Lady

    lower brace

    Yeah Im interested in this question too....couldnt see it does on their site...
  6. Racy Lady

    lower brace

    Thanks everyone for your comments... really appreciate it! Will look at all these options carefully before buying
  7. Racy Lady

    lower brace

    Did you buy the w brace that's £223? Did you also buy the brackets too? Thanks for your advice by the way!
  8. Racy Lady

    lower brace

    Thanks very much guys...will check out this link
  9. Racy Lady

    lower brace

    Hi guys/gals My lower rear brace under my 350z is rusty, common problem it appears, inc the brackets...so before I purchase a new one from good old ebay..does anyone on here have any tips on anybody who manufacturers them better, ie..tarmacsportz or other companies? Or know anyone who makes them up or suggestions from sport companies that look better etc please?
  10. Had my strut brace kit fitted today...and I'm so happy. Looks and fits perfectly. Had it all made up by Mark Law, aka MopedMark! Made the acrylics in orange to match the hoses under the bonnet and my hydro dipped covers. All strut brace parts nickel plated and shiny. Thanks Mark....absolutely brilliant!
  11. Thanks very much Paul for that offer, Ive just purchased a set from Alex....
  12. I'm looking for both exterior door handles for my 350z. I want to get them painted gloss black without removing mine until I can swap them over...need posting to Devon please...let me know of cost inc postage.. cheers Pat
  13. Racy Lady

    Racy lady zed

    Love my 350z.....
  14. Guys can I pick someones brains please....one of my friends has his 350z 04 plate auto in my garage today for diff and transmission fluid changes, the factors we use dont stock anything for this car and even Nissan dealers, who are always helpful with my own 350z, dont appear to be able to give us any advice? Is there anyone who can tell me what oil we should be using to change his diff and transmission fluids please? Obviously we dont want to use the incorrect stuff!!!
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