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Posts posted by leigh_boy

  1. You sure it was 4L you put in? The DE dipstick is notoriously crap.

    the stick is rather crap and the more i diped it the more it showed so i took to checking it in the morning when the car had sat 9 hours or so .

    i started off with a 1L bottle it drunk that ( back to full) a week later and 200 Miles i checked again so i bought a 4.75L bottle and had to keep topping up ( if i go over 4/5K rpm thats when it seems to really effect it.

  2. As at May 2015 "Ken" on here who is the GT4 registrar had not heard of a GT4 engine having had the same oil issue as the "rev-up" engines introduced in 2006.


    Although, for all intents and purposes, they are same engine I gather that the pistons/rings used in the GT4 were different to those used in the later rev-up engines as different tolerances had been used.


    As you have involved Abbey I am sure they can verify, or otherwise, that information but the fact there has been an absence of reported issues with the GT4 engine seemed to indicate they might be more durable. Of course a lot depends on how they were maintained and driven and of course the dreaded dipstick design has not been helpful whilst if sub 98octane fuel has been regularly used and the engine asked to regularly pull over 5k revs that is helpful for engine longevity.


    Did Abbey do a compression tests and/or use a boroscope to check for bore wear, as I'm clear what you are saying they checked? Maybe a written report from them that you can send the supplying dealeras to what they found would help your case. :)

    they did to comp test 180 and 190 retrospectively, they also said that the bores are in good nick, they did note that oil was siting on C6 and suspect sparkplug gasket is leaking. They also say the engine note was strange.


    with that in mind i dont think it would be leaking 4L worth?


    on a side note iv only run the car on momentum 99 but for the last 90K who knows. the manual clearly states 98 and if 95 is used dont go over 5k rpm ( i think from the top of my head) and only do a half a tank.


    it is interesting about no reports of the gt4 using oil.

  3. S20004u.... Say no more! Luckily enough their original site got flattened for development. Unluckily enough he is now up there :( Good luck Op and hope you get it resolved asap.


    Oh god, it's not them is it?!?

    NOOOOO!!!!! every ones knows about him has any here had any dealings with them and had a good out come?

  4. I would suspect they'd know more than me, but I don't think they're correct at all.


    You've already proven the oil usage, so what more are you supposed to do? No, I'd be dropping it off n their doorstep and asking for my refund ASAP else you'll see them in court.

    me saying it uses oil inst enough, abbey haven't said in so many words it has either just that i say it had and it falls in line with a common fault.

    its a pain, i know its going to be i shall not give in easily though.

  5. S20004u.... Say no more! Luckily enough their original site got flattened for development. Unluckily enough he is now up there :( Good luck Op and hope you get it resolved asap.


    Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk

    thank you, it does confirm to me that he is well known in the community and not for good reasons. :(

  6. They don't have to agree to take it back: That's your right as a consumer.

    TS just said aload of spill to me, basicaly confirmed that i need them to accept there is a fault before i refuse the car or i have to have a alternative dispute team deal / take it to court. that a side how does one prove the oil use with out saying take it for a drive for 200 miles.

  7. Arguably, no. According to your first post, you notified them twice within the 30-day period that the product was faulty and they did not help out. As such, I believe you fulfilled your end of the CRA and can return the car now.

    ok, il double check with trading standards on the situation because i thought they have to 1 agree to take it back or 2 prove there is a fault.

  8. Maybe Im missing something here but whats stopping you just taking the car to them, giving them the keys and a letter of rejection and telling them you expect the money to be back in your bank account within 7 days?


    Forget everything else, if it failed MoT on the airbag light then you can return it and walk into the sunset.

    you cant just return it with out proving it has a fault annoyingly. getting them to accept it has a fault then i can get my money back and my PX if its still there. it does have an mot now this was what i saw with them trying to get it through one

    But it does have a provable fault: It used over 4 litres of oil in under 1000mi, which isn't even close to being within the Nissan spec.


    Doc's right, I would get it back to them with a final letter and request a refund or else go to court. And I would follow through with that threat as well: It's easy enough to do, and they're not going to challenge it I promise.

    But i do need to let them look at it first correct?

  9. Airbag light not on anymore? Thats a fault and no denying.


    Alternatively get an emissions check done on it, if the oil is coming out of the exhaust then this should prove it.

    nope no longer on - it was sorted before i picked it up but i saw that it had failed on initially

    you say that i had a celica that was burning oil to the point it was actually sitting in the end tip and it passed the test with no issues.

  10. Maybe Im missing something here but whats stopping you just taking the car to them, giving them the keys and a letter of rejection and telling them you expect the money to be back in your bank account within 7 days?


    Forget everything else, if it failed MoT on the airbag light then you can return it and walk into the sunset.

    you cant just return it with out proving it has a fault annoyingly. getting them to accept it has a fault then i can get my money back and my PX if its still there. it does have an mot now this was what i saw with them trying to get it through one

  11. Please, next time you buy a car make sure it's actually correct before you drive it away. Whilst I don't condone their actions, you have made it incredibly easy for them to take advantage.

    i know... was thinking with my heart not my head and now im in this hole.;(

    And your in it now so hindsight is sadly nothing more than a wonderful thing.


    Dude you're going to need to invest a little bit of money (which you'll probably lose) to get this sorted. Get a solicitor to give you some advice and to write you a letter.


    Obvs you can do this yourself but I'm thinking your concerned by their 'legal team' (seriously how bad is your garage to have a legal team!!) so show them you mean business and clout them with the same thing.


    Dan will probs disagree as he knows pretty much for certain what you are and aren't entitled to and how cheaply you can realistically do it.


    For me id want some reassurance from a legal bod.


    This is 10 grand we're talking about at the end of the day. It's not buttons.


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    I hear you, i guess i should let them give me there diagnosis before i look at getting some one else involved. e.g wait for them to accept it has a problem ( i doubt they will) or 2 they say it has no problem.

    i keep saying to them are they returnign the car when done ect and get nothgn back its reallyyy annoying,. the one thing i dont want to do is pay for legal and then have to pay for a rebuild.

    Im selling my house and thats why i bought the 350 in the first place but i didn't intend to spend the equity (20k) on rebuilding the car and purchasing it i purchased on credit card to protect my self and i do need to buy another house after the break up with the mrs is over.. grrrrr

  12. Please, next time you buy a car make sure it's actually correct before you drive it away. Whilst I don't condone their actions, you have made it incredibly easy for them to take advantage.

    i know... was thinking with my heart not my head and now im in this hole.;(

  13. they said it was because of the low fuel level and running the crap from the bottom of the tank

    Utter, utter bobbins. That's exactly what a fuel filter prevents!


    That's an outright lie, plain and simple.

    I did try and cancel the transation right there but they said nothign was wring with the car.


    ps it had failed the mot on the engine light being on and the airbag light. but i understand the air bag light is a common issue.

  14. 250 quid for a low loader to dump it will be worth the wasted life you'll have trying to be reasonable with them......actually returning the car at your own cost really speaking is being more reasonable!


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    trouble is iv offered this they basically say they dont have to just take it back with out inspecting it.


    i am half inclined to just drop the lump out remove the rods and pistons and give to abbey to professionally say they are dead, then get them to rebuild it.

    i can do it my self but really dont see why i should it wasnt a £1000 car other wise id just sort it my self.

    This is what we're saying if it gets back to them then they've either got to fix it or give you the money back. Until it gets back to them your fooked and from the sounds of it they're not making any great efforts to get it back.


    Your call bud but I wouldn't be getting abbey to do anything unless you're going to wipe your mouth of it and just pay to get it sorted.


    Trying to claim rebuild money from them will be impossible


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


    I just had an email from them to say the truck should be repaired on Wednesday and will contact about the collection when it is, they will need the car for a week to do tests.

    Iv on purposely left the tank empty... just the way they gave it to me. also I am getting multiple engine miss fires (p300) coming up occasional. this happened literly as i bought the car and went to drive away they said it was because of the low fuel level and running the crap from the bottom of the tank and to put some fuel in and injector cleaner so i did and it did clear up but has come back

    Mate do everything you can to have that car rejected.


    The chances of S2k4u and Tonto doing a pucker repair are zilch if it needs a rebuild and from the sounds of it you've got a very sickly engine


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    im trying , although they have there law team dealing with me (law data) ? i dont have the funds to get some one in the know to help me out so im relying on the internet to help me fight my case give advise.

  15. Sorry to hear such a terrible story. Doesn't help you now but I would always do background checks on any dealer before buying a car from them. This should be a timely reminder to anyone buying a car.Hope you get it sorted. Try and pop along and say Hello at Incarnation in Brighton in April.

    im just down the road so thats a possibility. although these things always make me feel awkward not knowing any one lol

  16. 250 quid for a low loader to dump it will be worth the wasted life you'll have trying to be reasonable with them......actually returning the car at your own cost really speaking is being more reasonable!


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    trouble is iv offered this they basically say they dont have to just take it back with out inspecting it.


    i am half inclined to just drop the lump out remove the rods and pistons and give to abbey to professionally say they are dead, then get them to rebuild it.

    i can do it my self but really dont see why i should it wasnt a £1000 car other wise id just sort it my self.

    This is what we're saying if it gets back to them then they've either got to fix it or give you the money back. Until it gets back to them your fooked and from the sounds of it they're not making any great efforts to get it back.


    Your call bud but I wouldn't be getting abbey to do anything unless you're going to wipe your mouth of it and just pay to get it sorted.


    Trying to claim rebuild money from them will be impossible


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


    I just had an email from them to say the truck should be repaired on Wednesday and will contact about the collection when it is, they will need the car for a week to do tests.

    Iv on purposely left the tank empty... just the way they gave it to me. also I am getting multiple engine miss fires (p300) coming up occasional. this happened literly as i bought the car and went to drive away they said it was because of the low fuel level and running the crap from the bottom of the tank and to put some fuel in and injector cleaner so i did and it did clear up but has come back

  17. 250 quid for a low loader to dump it will be worth the wasted life you'll have trying to be reasonable with them......actually returning the car at your own cost really speaking is being more reasonable!


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    trouble is iv offered this they basically say they dont have to just take it back with out inspecting it.


    i am half inclined to just drop the lump out remove the rods and pistons and give to abbey to professionally say they are dead, then get them to rebuild it.

    i can do it my self but really dont see why i should it wasnt a £1000 car other wise id just sort it my self.

  18. I just figure that if/when it goes to court that if you've done over and above what's reasonable, then the court is highly likely to look more in your favour. It's a pain, and it's wrong, but it's also easier long term.


    Send them a letter by SPECIAL delivery (not recorded, you want proof they signed for it) that you are rejecting the vehicle under the CRA 2015, and give them 14 days to give you a refund. In the mean time, send the car back to them. They have precisely nothing to stop them issuing the refund then.


    ok I will do that, because i have had the car just over 30 days now it shouldnt be an issue because in emails sent (according to trading standards that is enough proof to say that i do decline it) I will re literate it in a letter.

    I am happy to keep the car if it was repaired but the reputation of the sales man is not good.

  19. ye i know i need them to see it for them selfs and have stated that , all in writing, also have in writing they will collect il give them till the end of the week and at the same time im going to send a letter recorded delivery stating i give them 14 days to inspect and repair or should i not do that?

  20. number plate ending XCZ?




    Christ on a bike, that's massively over!


    I still don't see that it's down to them to collect though. If you bought a toaster from Tesco in store you wouldn't expect them to come and collect it. Chuck enough fuel & oil in to make the trip, then leave it with them.


    Basicaly Trading standards said that because im rejecting it and not local, i could do more damage and then it would be reasonable for me to correct the damage, so they should collect it. I offered to uship it to them for £100 and they just kept saying they will collect it.



    Jesus that's an oil change worth of oil in 1000 miles. All is deffo not well there bud.


    Is it reasonable at this stage to ask from whom your purchased it from?


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


    1st choice cars in oxford direction.... google em and s2ki and sean and you will find out who im dealing with,, it dont look great.

    As in s20004u?


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    you got it

  21. number plate ending XCZ?




    Christ on a bike, that's massively over!


    I still don't see that it's down to them to collect though. If you bought a toaster from Tesco in store you wouldn't expect them to come and collect it. Chuck enough fuel & oil in to make the trip, then leave it with them.


    Basicaly Trading standards said that because im rejecting it and not local, i could do more damage and then it would be reasonable for me to correct the damage, so they should collect it. I offered to uship it to them for £100 and they just kept saying they will collect it.



    Jesus that's an oil change worth of oil in 1000 miles. All is deffo not well there bud.


    Is it reasonable at this stage to ask from whom your purchased it from?


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


    1st choice cars in oxford direction.... google em and s2ki and sean and you will find out who im dealing with,, it dont look great.

  22. i did speak with trading standards and they did say it was reasonable to expect them to colelct it and they have said they will but things keep happenning like the clutch on the truck went now it has a flat wheel ... so on and so on.

    iv done 1000 miles and its had 4.2L of oil. no smoke , abbey explained the cats are really good it hiding that.

    indeed i dont want to pay to strip it down when it cost me 9.4K Iv tried rejecting it ( i did px my old car) so just taking it and leaving it is an issue.

    I have monitored the usage in excel i now have left it on my drive with no fuel waiting for them to pick it up or the CC to do something about it under section 75 of consumer goods act because its not durable amongst a bunch of other things trading standards said from my description.,

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