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  1. In need of 1 straight wheel. overall condition doesn't matter as long as its straight.
  2. I posted on the 350z Facebook page, loads of people shower their pressures all looking the same as mine so I'm happy with them
  3. Ok been for a 50 mile drive and things have changed,.. do these numbers seem right? idle 28 psi 2.5 k rpm 60 ( or just over) 3k RPM 80psi 4k 90 5k 100 6k 110 7.5 115
  4. it does but as soon as you go to 3000 rpm it sky rockets
  5. oh really.. any idea on what the "fixes" were? ps i really appreciate the replys.
  6. ah sorry i got confused.. i thought u was saying the new gasket could be faulty..( tired) we have just checked with the old sender unit and it reads the same as the new one so im happy it not the sender . I hope its the pod.. but i cant see any one online to have had the same issue.
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