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  1. Unfortunately after 2 great years of zed ownership, we parted ways at the weekend. I'm still devasted about it but as my dad says there will always be another. Anyway I've now got the task of finding something with back seats for the little one and also some power so I'm going to look at a Mazda 3 MPS at the weekend. Anyone had any dealing with one? Am I barking up the wrong tree? Thanks
  2. Loggy747

    New Shoes!

    Big thanks to Chris at Tarmac Sportz for sorting me out with the new wheels. I had TSW Thruxtons on previously so they had to go! I went for Ultralite r5's now and I think they really set the car off now.
  3. Haha have to agree with you. The Thruxtons were on the car when I bought it and I had always planned on changing so I suppose this will give me a kick in the right direction.
  4. For those who aren't aware, the roads in n.ireland are currently in a shocking state with potholes everywhere. I recently ploughed into one and busted the front passenger alloy. I've got TSW Thruxtons fitted to the car which are now discontinued which has left me in a bit of a pickle as I'm finding it impossible to source one single replacement. The car is currently on a space saver and off the road until I get this sorted but it looks like I'll have to get a full set of new wheels. Is it worth claiming off the road service for a new set of wheels? I've been genuinely inconvenienced by it but not sure how best to proceed. Cheers
  5. Thanks for the advice lads. Currently back in London so trying to get it sorted from over the water is proving a painful process!
  6. Ok thanks I'll have a look. Hopefully that's all it is.
  7. How did you get to that conclusion? I don't even know where to start looking?
  8. Flew back home to Ireland after 10 weeks away to put the zed through the MOT. For those who aren't aware, the MOT is much more stringent in northern Ireland compared with England. Anyway, I got into the car and the airbag light was flashing again. This happened a few times before so I had already researched and found a video which suggested turning the ignition 4 times. This got the light off until I was at the MOT centre and was asked to turn the car off, at which point the airbag light decided it would be a nice time to come back on. And the poor zeds' fate was sealed. The problem is I can't get this light off now, it only stays off until I turn the car on again and then it comes back on. Is there a more permanent fix?
  9. Will take 100 for these delivered. Would like to get these shifted before I go back to London next week.
  10. Loggy747

    350z and R35

    Just a few photos from when my friend brought his GTR over. Beautiful car, can't get over how beefy they look in the flesh. Makes my zed look very very tame lol
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