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  1. Right before I start I know I’ve been a spanner and it’s all my own fault lol. So Sunday morning I managed to flood my engine. Car will crank but won’t catch and idle. Battery is fine (better than I expected to be honest). So I’ve pulled the plugs tonight and they are wet and stink of fuel so their in the bin and will get some new ones tomorrow. For now I’ve left the plug holes open (covered with some clean micro fibre cloths to stop anything falling in!) to vent over night but I still think I need to crank the engine over before I put the new plugs in as I don’t want to ruin a new set of plugs. To crank it I was going to find and pull the fuel pump relay or fuse so that I’m not adding anymore fuel to the problem, and then just turn it over on the ignition switch a couple times. But before I do this I just wanted to check if anyone can offer a helpful opinion or any advice on this and maybe answer a couple of questions I have. I don’t want to do anything that is going to make the problem worse. I know I should really try and get it in to the dealer but that’s easier said than done and last time I tried to book in with them they couldn’t get me in for 3 weeks and being without a car for that long isn’t really an option for me at the minute. Like I said I’m just after any friendly helpful advice? Thank you.
  2. Hi all ... new to the forum but just thought I’d drop my recent experience in here, may be of help to somebody. Have a 2011 370z and never heard of the steering lock issue before. Anyway went shopping last Sunday Car was fine on the way down no key light on the dash or any sort of warning. Come out off the shop load shopping into the car try to start it and nothing and the key light is on. After a few minutes of trying different things still nothing so I google the problems and I find this thread. Now I must admit I kind of only read the first page so I thought no problems Nissan recall issue I’ll get the AA to take me home and get on to Nissan UK and my local dealer in the morning get it booked in no problems. So after a 4 hour wait I finally got the car home and had to stuff it in the garage as the windows had scrolled down when the doors where opened and they hadn’t gone back up. Monday morning I give Nissan UK a call. (Figured I’d speak to them first get the recall confirmed before I book it in.) so I get through give them my VIN number and I’m told nope no recall but try the local dealer as they have a different system. So I do and get the same answer no recall so I try to book my car in anyway and I get told I can’t get in until the 28th sept and I’d have to get my car trailered there as they don’t have a recovery service. So I come back on here and read the rest of the thread and see that many others are having the same problem and it’s around a £1000 fix. This isn’t really ideal at the moment just moved house and still have furniture and other crap to buy. So I started having a look around online and see a lot of American videos on YouTube seems the Nissan Altima and some others have the same part, Same problem. So thought I’d give it a go it’s broke anyway. So I find the unit under the steering wheel and see it’s held in by 2 what appear to be studs. (Pictured). After half hour and 2 ruined screwdrivers I decided that they weren’t coming out so I’d have to try and get the back of the unit off. Bit of a pain but i spose it’s part of the security system so shouldn’t be easy to get into. (Also be careful when trying to get the unit apart I damaged the PCB and had to get it repaired). So once the back is off there are 2 small torx screws that hold the pcb in and then it just needs unplugging and pulling out. Then you will see a white gear with the steering lock bolt in the middle and you just have to wind it back in the release the lock. When you do this the rest of the unit becomes loose and you”ll notice that the 2 studs are now loose. This is when i realised they aren’t studs they are headless screws and they are just finger tight and easy to remove and free up the rest of the housing. Now all you have to do is wind the bolt all the way back in and put the PCB back in, you will see the the bolt then depresses the 2 switches on the PCB. Now you can put the module back together and plug the connector back in. Now you should be able to start your car (I suggest you put it into ACC and pull the fuse. I believe there is a detailed description on the fuse pull method further up the thread). Only issue you should have is that you’ll have to put up with the yellow key light being permanently on until you get it properly fixed. I know not everyone is up for messing around with their cars and Nissan might not be too happy when they see the state of the module that I smashed the back off but this has helped me get my car up and running and saved me a few quid in taxis and getting my car towed to the dealership. Also... On Monday I also tweeted Nissan detailing my complaints and they replied asking that I DM them my details which I did and they said they will get back to me. Still waiting to hear back so I will let you guys know what they say. Alternatively I have looked on eBay and found a 2013 370z being broken and messaged the seller who will sell me the part for £150, if Nissan still aren’t willing to sort this then I’m going to try this spare part swap as it will work out significantly cheaper than what Nissan are charging to swap these parts out.
  3. Oh man think I might have to fit them for a little bit see if I can get on with them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Coilovers will go on eventually but i got a great deal on the springs so they will do the job for now. And I didn't want it to be slammed I mean they are already a fairly low car and the front lip already scrapes a fair bit over bumps and stuff. Just wanted to reduce the arch gap a bit and make the car sit a bit nicer. Looking at your picture it looks just what I'm after really. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Does anybody have any pictures of a 370z on 30mm lowering springs I'm about to purchase some but wondering if 30mm is a bit too low. I'm just trying to make the car sit a little bit better I don't want it to be silly low and scrape everywhere I go. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Ryan-C-Z34

    370z boot!

    The spring mechanism is really easy to take apart I just put a couple of washers in and it's fine now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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