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Everything posted by m4nn13

  1. m4nn13

    New Knob

    I believe south bend make clutches and have had a few of these knobs made for Torqen, but I thought it looked kinda cool and a bit different so gave one a go and it's great to be fair! I've also got the oem and the mophead mark special so can chop and change when i fancy it now but i'll be honest the shape of this new south bend one I love so.it won't be coming off for a bit!
  2. For me: Jr6 Jr23 Jr25 Jr26 I can then spend days playing around!
  3. Do as many of the japan racing as possible! They cover so many different styles and it would be great to see which look best on the zeds!
  4. Just a quick shout to Adrian and the team at Torqen. Ordered a new gearknob and bit of engine bling, arrived promptly and looks awesome. Great communication and advice, will be back again soon I'm certain!
  5. m4nn13

    New Knob

    So I've had one of the classic knobs on for a while now that came with the car when I bought it (looks like a Mopedmark classic) along with the standard one. Love the weight but I've always found it a bit of an odd shape to hold (just a personal opinion nothing wrong with it at all). So after a quick message to Torqen manage to bag one of these: A quick comparison side by side: And while I was at it, one if these for my slowly tidying engine bay: Have to say after driving around today I prefer a bigger end to a narrow one (ooohhh yyyeeeaaahhhh)! Weight wise it feels fractionaly lighter but still better than the original stock and lovely to shift with!
  6. I was looking at these myself so will be watching this post for the replies to come in!
  7. I don't mind it to be honest, a bit easier to use on phones and simple enough to navigate just takes a good few hours to adjust out of old habits
  8. I use something called peek and it works well, link here: http://www.wizardsofdetailing.co.uk/peek-premium-polish-100ml-116-p.asp
  9. Evening all, I noticed a few weeks ago when slowly moving on full lock there's a clicking noise coming from the front of the car. I only do this manuver when reversing onto the drive so as its not done that oftern i thought I'd wait and get it checked by my local garage when I have some free time. This week however I've noticed it does it when doing any sharp turns at low speeds (for example a T junction turn). I did fit some spacers about 2 months back so im not sure if this will have somethibg to do with it (like need tightening or something) or if its the C.V joint / ball thing / banana peel or one of the other many things that click and knock according to the search option but if anyone else has experienced similar and can shed some light it would help!
  10. Now I see why this is funny
  11. Erm.... think I'd better get a brew for this! Shame about the photos not being available but still loads of Info!
  12. Now that would defo be handy! Maybe I'll wax the wife's car first and see how I get on!
  13. What do you use just out of curiosity?
  14. Ha! Im quite sure they have one on there somewhere but as above ive never tried waxing so can't recommend sorry!
  15. I've tried a couple of others in the past (gtechnique, bilthamber, angelwax) and the usual turtlewax and demon shine (never again) but none seem to hold the clean look for as long in my opinion.
  16. Guys if you want to delete the post by all means feel free I was only voicing my opinion lol! I've never waxed a car before because I've never known how to go about it and friend's who have "had a go" in the past on their own cars have made more of a mess than anything else. I've not tried many other brands because these guys workshop is a ten min drive from my house so its quick and easy for me to get to but if not seen anyone else using their products so thought I'd mention it.
  17. People have their own favourites and opinions on what's best and who's filling who's bottles etc, so I thought I'd share my favorite cleaning products with you! Usually spend 3-4 hours on the car once every 2 weeks and it looks fresh out of the factory every time. I've not ventured into waxing / clay baring etc yet as I really don't need to with the results I get from these products. All my products are from http://www.wizardsofdetailing.co.uk/ Wizards Of Detailing Snow Foam (Magical) - http://www.wizardsofdetailing.co.uk/magical-snow-foam-148-p.asp Wizards Of Detailing Wheel Cleaner (Wicked) - http://www.wizardsofdetailing.co.uk/wizards-wicked-wheel-cleaner-155-p.asp Wizards Of Detailing Shampoo (Wizard Wash) - http://www.wizardsofdetailing.co.uk/wizards-wizard-wash-shampoo-152-p.asp Wizards Of Detailing Glass Cleaner (Invisible) - http://www.wizardsofdetailing.co.uk/wizards-invisible-glass-cleaner-165-p.asp Wizards Of Detailing Interior Dress (Enchanted) - http://www.wizardsofdetailing.co.uk/wizards-enchanted-interior-dressing-168-p.asp Peek Polish - http://www.wizardsofdetailing.co.uk/peek-premium-polish-100ml-116-p.asp And they are amazing - give them a go I promise you won't be disappointed!
  18. Oh my god what a beautiful car! if I was still looking this would be mine!
  19. m4nn13

    Japan Racing Jr23

    WOW! Aaaaand now I'm back to wanting these again! Have you got some of them on the car?
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