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Everything posted by GranTurismoEra

  1. Can grab this one used but theyre all sold https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/135458413661?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=DwAoaGBfS6u&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=qLgmErXZSUu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. Yeah im doing it clockwise. Its a bucketlist thing. Put it off since before COVID. London - Edinburgh - Inverness - Applecross (Considered isle of raysaay distillery) - Ullapool - Thurso - Glasgow. John O groats can visit in the late evening or early morning before heading out. The last part is 5 hours to Glasgow but can stop in Inverness for lunch. After overnight in Glasgow i got Lake District (Windermere and the lakes) as a stop point before Manchester for a final rest stop. Then back to London 3.5,hours.... A lot of driving explains why so many said no to doing it lol... Ill take jumper cables, rope, gerican, lots of food and snacks, toiletries...maybe a camping tent as you never know lol. You can send your route if i have time ill check out Skye and Eilean castle on the way to Ullapool. The following day is a lot of driving to the north east highlands. Will stop off at Durness, Tongue and some beaches along the way if weathers not crap.
  3. A rare Gem indeed. Must have cost a pretty penny. Only one other person on this forum as far as I know has one. He did a couple of videos. There may have been others before my time. It never comes up for sale in UK. Whatever you paid, plus all fees cleared and a tiny headroom is what its worth. Its valuable to those that know about it. Based on what ive seen on Japanese sites (not many) best not worrying about value now. It may be worth a lot more in a short few years. Great to see. Im sure someone will be along shortly. Welcome!
  4. Amazing price. At 27 I was paying £1000+ for a 1.6. Now its 600 mark for a Z or GTR with £1000 excess....
  5. Lots of crying but who was buying.....lol https://www.topgear.com/car-news/interview/exclusive-jaguar-boss-explains-how-type-00-can-save-company#comments
  6. How was it? When did you go? Im thinking to change dates from End of April to June after kids have gone back to school for final half of third term. So less traffic and better weather?! Also Beginning June is good as you avoid foreign tourists (North American) with kids. Actually June is already summer holidays for some overseas tourists.
  7. Half way there. I had a similar accident with the rear wing on 350Z. Its fixable and a good bodyshop can straighten it out. I had mine repaired for £400 (backstreet). Not sure how much they charge these days. Hopefully similar or less for a tidy job. Shop around Port the bits you need over. Job done.
  8. Can find a replacement door and spray it. Quarter panel shouldnt be more than 400 to repair. I reckon if you can get a door 700-800 all in. Unless you go to a well known reputable place. They charge you as insurance jobs pay more and it might not be worth their time. Get a door few on Ebay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/387551216870?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=5M8MjHo0Q3u&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=qLgmErXZSUu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. Yeah but the skyline is now visible on China so stringent restrictions on ICE has worked. Plus its not a matter of what we think. Theyll crack on with EVs regardless. As it allows them to compete globally in the automotive space. If we dont buy other countries will. People want cheap cars not 95k Taycans https://www.topgear.com/car-news/tech/mcmurtry-founder-sir-david-mcmurtry-has-died#comments
  10. After going in the F Type R you need over a mile of road to put your foot down. Sailors vision
  11. https://www.gbnews.com/lifestyle/cars/major-car-brand-porsche-abandons-electric-plans-petrol
  12. Id go Hawk Pads and brembo discs. Less dust more stopping power. Or you can try slotted or drilled discs (stoptech etc). Pricey but better quality. Should be around 700 all in on a good day. You can get brake fluid in a package deal too. Its not common to get braided lines included.
  13. Should she be worried for her safety? Sheesh... Was before social medias "free the nipple movement". 😆
  14. My brother almost bought final edition white years ago. Id get the 350Z personally. S2000 is nice but you need to know what youre doing if pushing it.
  15. https://www.topgear.com/car-news/electric/a-1526bhp-chinese-ev-has-smashed-four-door-nurburgring-record
  16. Why did i think it was a hybrid. I cant see any specifics anywhere. Rimac wants the next car to hit 300mph!
  17. "China Mobile Phone Maker beats Nurburgring record" https://www.autoblog.com/news/chinese-ev-smashes-nurburgring-record-beating-rimac-and-porsche
  18. Had one just like this what year is your car? I sold mine at 52,000 i think. Nice mods
  19. Long term owner https://youtube.com/@bedistinct?si=kkHyYp3H5ejKT_wo
  20. Performance wise to go boosted. Auto all day. 295 ft lbs/400 nm seems low for VQ. Thats only 20 ft lbs above the Nismo. At 450-500hp 295,ft lbs does match. There are supercharged Zeds running that power. Although not sure what their torque is.
  21. Nice. These have crazy potential. A tune with midpipe and catback is around 700hp from 516hp. With decat probably more. 515hp is a modern sweet spot tbh. The gearbox is silky smooth.
  22. Any mods planned? Or keeping it stock?
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