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Everything posted by GranTurismoEra

  1. Apologies for shakey cam, But heres a quick video of the meet........All edited on my phone..Ignore the corny intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT255Noqyns
  2. Yeah I avoid these type of meets for this particular reason. If its not a closed event with cars boxed in or on a runway with crash barriers protecting the crowd no point going. Never stand next to the road on these car meets. Poor girl and the family
  3. Thanks Payco, Nice Nismo, and was good to meet you guys, Some randoms turned up too. Possibly first timers which was good.
  4. saw that its in turkey think
  5. Why they have 5 sitting in hendon? American forums saying its not selling. There are a few on autotrader, cheapest last time I checked £130,000 It failed, due to high price, cheap plastic interior. The car came out 3 years too late. In need to a refresh and a diff price point. Who would buy it when you can pick up a maclaren 720s, amg gtr, audi r8 and huracan. £170,000 for a specced up honda, thats not a patch on the original.
  6. 35k could get you a nice used m4, audi tts, a45, e350, z435!, a lot of cars have dropped you could pick up. Or you could pick up audi a5 17 for similar near new. Depends what you want. An older cayman. Because newer would be 60k Theyve got lots of tech, also they wont be selin loads due to the looks, they can play on the rarity factor, also its the quickest production fwd. The ugly styling serves an aerodynamics purpose apparently. Its prolly faster round the track than my Z being lighter and cornering faster. Who knows
  7. Lol m4 a totally different league. 324 for sale in uk....I considered it too, maybe in a few years time when depreciation has slapped it left and right. If I got that I feel resale would lose me a bit of money. Plus its got abs failure and some other issues that made ppl sell it Aside from the main things you listed ppl will be thinking dealer service warranty and how easy is it to tell honda to fix somethin compared to audi etc....
  8. So controversy creates cash? All publicity is good publicity? The nsx flopped, so they need this to be a hit
  9. When these first came out on the old shape I thought someone was having a laugh, then they americanised the shape. But then I saw a sonic grey type R the other day and thought well thats different. As with the Z its not everyones cup of tea, which is what attracted me more. The Z nismo looks like a supercar from 2004, and turns heads everywhere. But im starting to look at the type R differently. Ive had civics before so im a honda follower plus their customer service is really good. I encouraged my ma to get a crv full spec which she still has now. I like the tech in their cars. What you guys think of the halfords *coughs* Honda Civic type R? A bit extreme? I dont like having what everyone has. So looking for my next car to be a bit more rare.
  10. Take your time, ball is your court, posession is 9 10ths of the law. 9 to 47k is an eye openet. Even if service was done privately, there should be documentation to prove or at least reciepts from purchase of oil, filters etc.
  11. Im not sure about the 370Z but the 350Z gearbox was very mechanical and you could hear the changes and whines on the outside. Clutch and gearbox have probably been through the wars. On my older cars I made sure during the first service I did regardless of history they changed the gearbox oil. Might worth looking into. Molyslip on the 350Z improved it a lot Clutch on my old 350Z mine was worn and high. But didnt get any worse over 18 months even pushing the car now and again. Obviously a few donuts and burnouts would have finished it. Might try a yellow car in the future with black wheels. Something different!
  12. some 4 pots are louder than stock Nismo, maybe its just me,
  13. if you want to go louder check out the AAM short tails resonated exhaust. Took me 9 months but worth it! welcome!
  14. Looks like the special edition from one of the games i used to play....best looking car under 50k for sure!
  15. Welcome! been driving 9 years and pay £1300 now for my 370z nismo with commuting and tints, exhaust...the idea was to wait till i had enough experience or no claims to afford the insurance. It would have cost me £2500 to insure when i first started driving even at 4 years around £2000.... Its cheaper in my mates area central reading.
  16. Payco - Mark 2 Nismo 370z davey_83 - 350z nissanman312 2010 sc gt Flashback - 350Z Bikeracer - sc Nismo Andy James-350z buster-350z HaydnH - 350Z Zippypooz - 350z Paul K - 350z Roadster jcurtis - 350z Skippy- white 350z Dunks - Supercharged 350Z GranTurismoEra - 370z Nismo mk II nissmoandy jissed_350z Seb - 350z wizard - s/c 350z amyzed - 350z Mopedmark - 350 Mopedmarked
  17. got it fitted. Nice and very loud on cold starts for 60 seconds. Real life pop on downshift and bang on limiter. Not that fake stuff from 4 pots running around.......Sounds proper a lot more like the 350 I had before....
  18. LOL stick with ex demo like I did. I got mine at 3k miles service done already. for £26,000 Judging by these prices i can drive till 15,000 and still get my money back lool. Wait and see then get one with sub 5k miles for £25,000. Dont rush and buy a higher mileage one, I also got the standard 2 years servicing and 3 year warranty and breakdown. GT model depreciate faster, But you can probably get a nice one around the £21,000 mark with low miles..... I got white. Hides all the marks and hairline scratches better. The shape looks better and cleaner. Black all it takes is for someone to rub against it or hit it with a handbag and youll see scratches....
  19. Thats Nissan for you. Dropped as far back as 2011. Never bothered with Automatic Nismo version either. Nissan's self pity is quite sad really. Their sales are extremely poor. And the remaining enthusiasts are left with shoddy customer service and poor buying experience. I dont even know why people bother. Shame Honda dont make anything that looks as good as the Z as they are just a better allround company than Nissan...... Better off getting a used one and making sure all the issues - Steering lock etc have been addressed. Good Luck! Then stick with indy dealers for any repairs that might be needed.
  20. chose a good early time. Can avoid the chavs, and just as they turn up the show ends lol
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