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Everything posted by GranTurismoEra

  1. welcome, have a search around for any topics that come up along the way
  2. These are the people that go to him. Hes dissing his potential customers! he should be offering repair and rewrap services
  3. Alright mate. Whatever you say. Why would I be jealous? lol Its just a description of the situation which youve flipped into a personal attack. What term would you use? Children with money or Teens of outstanding income? If I should be jealous of anyone it should be my uncle as in inspiration. Not a 23 year old that crashes his car and kills his girlfriend in the process. But yeah im as jealous as they come ;-). Nice one!
  4. Widowmaker...need serious skills ...saw a similar video might be this one.
  5. Rich kid is just a description, your more likely to be wreckless when you havent worked for it. You dont appreciate it. Age has nothing to do with it yet 25 year old is the age required to rent a car from most rental companies. Insurance drops at 25. I wonder why. I dont know about other countries like US because kids drive high performance cars in places like California all day everyday. I know age has a lot to do with the reason premiums are up for under 25s. Theres no denying anyone any age can be wreckless. But experience plays a part. Jealous of what exactly. Where im from what is a huracan? roflll.....
  6. Always the passenger that pays the price. The seatbelt ripped and she ended being thrown into the trees from the car. Its all well and good saying no speed limit or copying youtubers like autotopnl but not much can save you losing it at 186 mph I saw one with a 2018 E class convertible showing off in Russia. A risky overtake, could have gone into the grass but tried to recover it. Went straight into the back of a lorry. Both man and woman instantly dead. Since when does a 23 year old have enough experience to drive a McLaren sensibly on an autobahn. Another lightweight high power supercar in the hands of rich kid
  7. Well 5.2 seconds is classed as slow these days. How about 2.7? . I cant imagine it!
  8. £30,000 excess all gone! and possibly more charges. How about a specialist license with track hours if you want to drive anything over 500 BHP! Cost £4000+
  9. London roads potholes and cracked crevices. Not to mention going at normal speeds cars still skip over uneven surfaces I was going to attend last year when I had my Nismo but thought better off watching it on Youtube. Glad I did this time lol. Im not sure if launch control deactivates traction and stability. But I can see the road curves to the right in the video and he started slipping and sliding towards the parked cars tried to rectify it and it got taken out of his hands. Locking diff? All Wheel Drive doesn't save lives then. I found another video showing traffic cops turning up to the scene. HR Owen will deny all knowledge and claim he has nothing to do with them which is probably true. I reckon a 9 month ban and steep fine according to income. Endangerment to public, driving without due care, double/triple the speed limit at 60mph since a lot of London streets are now 20 mph. I think the fact he uses launch control with traffic in the opposite lane takes the cake
  10. I guess Im over the whole supercars hype. I kinda had a feeling there were a few events yesterday judging by the weather. But is that a place to launch a 640hp car full pelt. Hes forgetting the roads in London arent built for any speed. Could have ended worse as these events are filled with spectators Does anyone know if this car is all wheel drive?
  11. I know right, you dont have to tell me. I was just taking shots at a different thread where someone mentioned learn how to park lol
  12. looks like a good idea. Most of the noise does come from there
  13. welcome. Went to see that particular one. Roof wasnt working at the time it was probably just a fuse. We didnt find anything wrong mechanically had it inspected. Just the coolant pipe leak. Left it as the communication wasnt the best, owner wasnt around But I can see he fixed it which is good. Yes youre right can pick up a mohair for £450. Or £800 fitted. Actually very good condition and well taken care of zed for age tbf
  14. So youll be looking for another HR in future.
  15. Bet you its a close out result still lol March in London right now calling for second referendum. The first one was a misunderstanding and a fluke https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/23/world/europe/brexit-march-london.html
  16. do they need to be declared to insurance as modification?
  17. are you able to fix the roof if it stops working mechanically?
  18. https://www.pistonheads.com/news/driven/bmw-z4-m40i-driven/39847
  19. On a side note, maybe get a clear vinyl wrap on those accents. Nissan told me they come like that from the factory as I had a stone chip on the side skirt. If you go full frontal PPF it can get to £1500. Some wrap places might be able to cover them for a few pounds. You could probably color match if anything happens The red accents are a darker red than the gators but still give it a nice look. Maybe the chrome edge rays kind of work against it in a way. No problem. Also be warned those protectors leave a tough adhesive when you remove them. You may need very warm water, microfibre cloth and a lot of patience to get the adhesive left behind without causing damage. I never removed mine. But the company I sold to removed them to check the wheels. The new owner bought the car without the gators.
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