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  1. Save 2k on a 30k import. Car must be manufactured in Japan. 2032 is when youd no longer pay VAT on the earliest 2022 MY
  2. Unfortunately there arent enough "indies" looking after EVs out there compared to ICE. I guess everyone answers to the dealers. We take for granted sometimes what goes into "indies" and the aftermarket. There are a few companies out there that service, restore, refit, retrofit and deal with EVs. But not sure how specialist they are like your BMW/Porsche specialists. Not sure how far they'll go with EVs. JDM level of aftermarket for EVs. Cant see it. But can see a few indies saying we,ll service it, take a look and replace the battery. But we cant get all the software updates.
  3. This is why you need a trusted long term dealer. Software updates should usually be over the air unless its one of the Chinese manufacturers who haven't got their act together. A raid through the pad to check all systems operating normally 1 hour maybe as well as Installing updates and oiling moving parts 1 hour plus. Test drive and suspension, brakes, tyres check 1 hour. Average stealer charges £100 per hour labour. Unfortunately unless you have a service pack of 3 to 5 years which some do offer or discounted servicing its not suprising. If you have OTA updates then shouldn't be much to do in the way of software unless something needs fixing. He needs to request a breakdown of charges. I suppose they can make those up.
  4. At least you didnt have a member of the public repeating "its clean, its clean" 😂. Great work.
  5. Seems low these insurance offers. GAP insurance seems a way forward for when the worst happens. Not sure if its valid after owning the car for around 10-20 years. Would GAP pay out. Might be worth looking at for 350Z owners.
  6. Seems low these insurance offers. GAP insurance seems a way forward for when the worst happens. Not sure if its valid after owning the car for around 10-20 years. Would GAP pay out. Might be worth looking at for 350Z owners.
  7. Seems low these insurance offers. GAP insurance seems a way forward for when the worst happens. Not sure if its valid after owning the car for around 10-20 years. Would GAP pay out. Might be worth looking at for 350Z owners.
  8. Still a tad bit pricey door to door. for a 2024 with low miles and Sport or Touring spec seems decent compared to the competition. Just that VAT....once its 10 years old no more VAT....Theyll be 20k by then lol
  9. https://www.thedrive.com/news/toyota-supras-sales-dominance-over-nissan-z-is-over
  10. https://www.autoblog.com/news/porsche-walks-back-evs-people-still-want-gas-cars
  11. Can grab this one used but theyre all sold https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/135458413661?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=DwAoaGBfS6u&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=qLgmErXZSUu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  12. Yeah im doing it clockwise. Its a bucketlist thing. Put it off since before COVID. London - Edinburgh - Inverness - Applecross (Considered isle of raysaay distillery) - Ullapool - Thurso - Glasgow. John O groats can visit in the late evening or early morning before heading out. The last part is 5 hours to Glasgow but can stop in Inverness for lunch. After overnight in Glasgow i got Lake District (Windermere and the lakes) as a stop point before Manchester for a final rest stop. Then back to London 3.5,hours.... A lot of driving explains why so many said no to doing it lol... Ill take jumper cables, rope, gerican, lots of food and snacks, toiletries...maybe a camping tent as you never know lol. You can send your route if i have time ill check out Skye and Eilean castle on the way to Ullapool. The following day is a lot of driving to the north east highlands. Will stop off at Durness, Tongue and some beaches along the way if weathers not crap.
  13. A rare Gem indeed. Must have cost a pretty penny. Only one other person on this forum as far as I know has one. He did a couple of videos. There may have been others before my time. It never comes up for sale in UK. Whatever you paid, plus all fees cleared and a tiny headroom is what its worth. Its valuable to those that know about it. Based on what ive seen on Japanese sites (not many) best not worrying about value now. It may be worth a lot more in a short few years. Great to see. Im sure someone will be along shortly. Welcome!
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