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Everything posted by del_tl1000r

  1. Did you get your problem sorted? I've just bought a 2008 GT roadster with 22,000 miles and it's doing similar things. When accelerating and changing gear when I take my foot off the accelerator depress the clutch the revs take a second or so before they start to drop. Also if I take my foot off the accelerator while cruising it's like you've still got your foot on the gas a bit. It's a real pain in the arse to drive in a slow moving traffic queue which I tend to get stuck in daily on my commute. I've seen other threads on here with a number of people complaining about the same issue but no definitive fault.
  2. Hello everyone. Joined today. Not got my Zed yet. Probably be about 10 days or so. it's going to drag in!!! Waiting on my cherished plate transfer coming through. Been looking for a Zed for a wee while but most had some rust and any roadsters I've seen have had hoods with tears and cuts.Finally found a 2008 GT roadster with 22,000 miles on it, no rust and a nice hood. 300 +bhp Had to up my budget to get a nice one. Weirdest purchase I've ever made though. Car was in the dealers forecourt covered in frozen water........not ideal for checking bodywork. Battery dead and doors frozen shut it was so cold so couldn't get inside it or even start it. I'm trusting my gut on this so hopefully I'm right. Test drove my first 350 the other day, an 06, 277 horse coupe. Loved it. Felt very fast and comfortable, felt at home in it straight away and what a noise they make!!! Rust on the arches though. I'm trading in my 03, 2.2 Z4 against the car. After driving the 350 the Z4 feels like a toy car!! Anyway I've attached some photo's. Hopefully it'll drive as good as it looks.
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