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Everything posted by G1en

  1. A big thankyou to Andy for organising, massive collection of zeds together and still no two are the same. Great talking to zedders old and new. I literally took two pics all day and completely random so here they are: Will try and steal a pic of my own car hopefully from this thread somewhere!
  2. Well i have just arrived at castle hotel near leicester ready to meet up tomorrow morning after a shocking week. Car went into garage Monday for new tyres and camber arms fitting. Got it back wednesday and decided to “test” the semi slicks. Ended up boiling the clutch fluid and No gears. Bumped car off and crawled home in 1st gear at 10-20mph. Not recommended on a dual carriageway A road let me tell you. Just got car back 8:00 last night. Waited all day for clouds to come over today to give her a wash as its not been cleaned in 2 months but sun roaring all day so had to wash the zed in blistering sun on drive, streaks, water marks everywhere. Set off for hotel, pulled to side with another car to let some cars through and guy in front puts it in reverse straight back into my front bumper! You cant make it up. Luckily the front tow loop as i am now race car not show car sticks out and took the brunt of it so just a few stratches and marks otherwise. See you all tomorrow if nothing else happens. Forgive me father for i have sinned, had to wash the car in direct sun and marked it to hell (i may end up there) but at least its clean.
  3. The scholl polishes come highly recommended, as for wax, i sell the carchem connisseur wax and bilt hamber double speed wax, both excellent products. I also sell and have used the carchem ptfe polishing glaze which gives great results
  4. Welcome, looking nice already as you said, great bonus to get one with those wheels and the mods.
  5. Got b&b booked just down the road, what time are we planning on meeting at services?
  6. Welcome along from a fellow Yorkshireman
  7. Think i have my oem ones in garage after i swapped to silicone hoses. Can check for you if Adrian can’t sort.
  8. Welcome along Try not to make it 6 years for your next post.
  9. If you could do a wax and shine one for my rear bumper it would be great. Get in touch if feasible.
  10. Welcome Mitch, might see you at japfest.
  11. I will join up with you guys, may have to stop over to get there at that time though.
  12. I dont know the exact weight but i estimated about 25kg each when i removed mine, replaced with bucket seats and rails at around 10kg each so a nice saving
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