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Everything posted by G1en

  1. You cannot sell that! no idea of value but if you have to sell it as part of the split then you could always sell it cheap to a “friend” then buy it back later. And i would be willing to be the “friend” you need to broker this deal in these harsh times
  2. Welcome Will, not too far from you, just along M62 in Pontefract.
  3. Welcome Chris hope you can grab a bargain over the winter
  4. And I thought mine was low. That looks like it will scrape on cats eyes! done well to tuck the wheels in though.
  5. Might be a very long shot but are these still available or does anyone else have a set?
  6. Next Installment: The week after the last event, I decided to assess the damage and get the car sorted. Below is the pic of my cherished wheel that took the brunt of the impact but testament to its strength, no cracks or buckeling: and the small amount of bodywork damage was touched up with a little primer and black paint, some of you will cringe at this but its now 90% race car (may need to edit title again....) so minor cosmetic issues are disregarded now: If you watch the video, I am still amazed at how little damage there was to the car after hitting a barrier, I still needed to get it aligned and checked over for any unforeseen damage so I booked in at my usual place and thought why not order a couple of Ultra racing braces from @Tarmac@TarmacSportz while I am at it and get them fitted also. So a couple of days later these turned up: I had them fitted, straight bolt on jobby, the underseal I have done to the car paid dividence as the old braces unbolted straight out with no issues and these were plug and play, I did take a full picture of the underside whilst it was up in the air but must have accidently deleted it from my phone so only got the following 2 pics which are not great: Anybody that read my other thread will know I had a banging noise over bumps and I now know why. The old brace was catching speed humps and the new ultra racing brace sits even lower and catches them more so my shiny new brace is now battle scared after a couple of weeks, at least I can now avoid speed humps like the plague or crawl over at 1mph. Now, also for the people that haven't read the whole build, around 18 months back I had a lot of work done and whilst at the cougarstore, I removed the W brace to give it some TLC, now no-one needs me to tell them that these things rust as soon as they see a cloud in the sky, but I thought that sanding down, then a base coat of red oxide primer, followed by 2 coats of black hammerite, then at a later date when undersealing the car adding a layer of POV-15 and finally a coat of dynax UB would be enough to suffice and keep this thing together, here is the pic below when removed: still the thing finds a way to rust sticking its middle finger up at some of the best products on the market, so please, if you have never checked your W brace, assume the worst (and by the worst, I mean assume its no longer even on the car!) and buy a replacement. Next up were the wheels, I turned to Google for a recommendation and Mr Google told me RAW wheels at York were very good and reasonable price (£60 per wheel if you leave the car) or £50 per wheel if you just take the wheels into them. I have to say, I love the new colour, it may not be to everyones taste and I did love the original colour but I thought whilst I am having them powder coated I may as well try a different look so here it is, slightly dirty as I haven't had time to seal them yet but you get the idea: So onto today, just done another round at Harewood and I won't go into too much detail but finished 2nd with a time of 64.99 (once again behind @Kieran O'Quick ) which is getting tiring now (just kidding mate) but the 350z gang locking out the top 2 places again. I was fairly pleased with creeping into the 64's as I gradually got quicker each run and looking now at my best times from August, I am 6 tenths down after 2 sectors so there is a chunk of time to get there. I was having starting issues all day and just couldn't get off the line fast, I have had this problem all year but somehow managed to sort it in August with 2.5 sec starts (acceptable) but quickest getaway today of 2.85 just isn't good enough, need to really sort this area out for next year. It may not have helped that when getting the car realigned (the wheel that got hit by the way was out 3 deg on toe) I decided to add more camber to the rears, car sits at around -2 camber all round now and added a little toe out to help with cornering but this will have a detrimental effect on getting of the line, reduced contact patch so time will tell if I need to tweak things further. Pic below from today showing the new look with the satin gold wheels and my times for the day along with the final standings for the class. I was car 94. As you can see, progressively got quicker each run and a possible 6 tenths to come off if I nail the starts but that will still leave me around quarter of a second behind Kieran, may need to get some new rubber for next season as we think the nankangs don't heat up quick enough for sprints although there is no denying they are a fantastic tyre when upto temp and great value.
  7. Its lowered by around 30mm but then i have 235/40/18 tyres rather than oem so that will lower a little more. The pic above is with front wheels on mini ramps and its still low.
  8. Think i found out the culprit today. Took a few speed humps at normal speed and it made a real bang/scrape. Got underneath the car when back home to find my shiney new front brace had eaten some of the road and as a result it had worn chunks off the front most part. Guess i will have to take it very slow over humps from now on. I cant even raise the front coilovers any more. The debris you see on the floor is what i pulled out of the brace around front 2 bolt sections.
  9. Try the Bilt Hamber auto-foam, very good product and excellent value for money, not the foamiest but gets rid of more muck than all others. have a look on my website.
  10. Check my for sale thread. Think i have what your asking.
  11. Wow, thats one of those moments when you close your eyes and expect to wake up staring at the pearly gates. Great Testament to the car safety (rollcage etc) that he walked away with only minor injuries.
  12. Another massive thankyou from me to the tarmac sportz team for getting me the teo ultra racing braces out in a few days even though one was supposed to be out of stock! Got them fitted today along with alignment after getting up close and personal with a barrier.
  13. Rattle can on a £1700 set of wheels? booked in at powder coaters week after next so you will see the new colour at next round, hopefully they will have some nice options.
  14. Cheers for the input, basically its what i thought, the car really isnt setup for the wet and my zero minutes wet track driving combined made the outcome pretty predictable, but i do need to get to grips with it so am getting some spare wheels and “wet tyres” to at least get a competitive “safe” time next time. Its all one big learning curve this first season, need to check nothing is broke/bent when i get the alignment done but fingers crossed i had a lucky escape and gives me the chance to refurb the wheels in another colour, erm... what to go for?
  15. Apologies mate, would have had it but didnt see collect only, too far from me.
  16. Exactly same code as mine which comes on every 100 miles or so. Only started since i fitted cobra hi-flow cats so should be something to do with that or a genuine faulty sensor which i will replace at next mot and see if it perm clears it. See below from obd2 reader when i plug into mine
  17. Time for another update. August is a busy month for most people and for me it was no exception. A well deserved family holiday to Majorca was followed on return by a trip to the JPS Coventry show. Been the last 2 years and it always has some great cars on show. Decided to fit my "race" steering wheel the day before as it looked simple enough but as you may have seen on another thread, ended up taking me 4 hours at a garage, anyway now its on, looks much better: So after a last minute hick-up, I headed down to Coventry next morning, a very early start from Leeds, and as usual and again you may have seen on another thread, the cars were great, always great to meet up with fellow members old and new, pic below of my car and also @valy who managed to get a spot in the main hall away from the "pigpen" Onto this weekend, and just got back from another hillclimb, this one was a washout and rain the entire day, now I have read and heard it from the company themselves that the AR-1 tyres are not for the wet and I can confirm they seem to be far worse than the R888R others were running, pic below of mine and Kierans Zeds in the crappy weather. Onto the details, first practice run, ended up in the gravel trap at what is called farmhouse, went to brake and gave myself more room than usual due to weather but the car just locked up and would not turn at all, headed straight to the gravel trap and spent the next hour trying to get around half a ton of gravel dislodged from underneath the car, had a warning from marshalls as I was still "gritting" the track during next run. I initially thought I just was carrying way too much speed but the ABS warning light was on as I was being towed out so possibly some sort of brake system failure contributed, its a sort of excuse anyway. Brakes seemed fine rest of day though. Afterwards a very steady practice run, then lunch. After lunch was the first of 2 timed runs, and this is where it really went Pete Tong. tried to give it as much as I dare in ever worsening conditions, in hindsight I realise my car is just not setup for the wet (at all) the back end stepped out when changing gear up the final straight and I went straight into the barrier, I feared the worse as it was a big impact but carried on and after inspection from the marshalls/scrutineer and lots of others we were amazed the dame seemed minimal. The rear wheel took the brunt of the impact as luckily my SSR wheels stick out just slightly more than the bodywork. The wheel needs a full refurb and the alignment is all off but other than that, there are only a couple of marks/scrapes where the paint has come off where the rear arch and rear bumper meet. All the suspension components and tie rods etc seem ok but will need a proper inspection when I get it re-aligned. need to decide whether to refurb the one wheel and it being a slightly different colour or do the lot and have a change? Final times of the day, me being car 75, way down the list and 16 seconds behind my dry time! as you can se, I spent more time visiting the scenery than posting times so will have to get some dedicated wet tyres for next season. Finally, my video is uploaded of the run I smacked the barrier, if anyone has any idea why it broke loose (possibly the diff, poss some standing water or oil?) who knows. (may contain a strong word!)
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