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  1. I've got a set of Racing Hart Pro J5 19" wheels recently referbed in gloss black, nearly new Pilot supersport tyres. Any chance of a part ex? These would look amazing on my 350. I'm only just over the bridge in Cardiff.
  2. That wing is amazing. Did you pay someone local to make the mounts and do you have a link to the wing? Cheers
  3. I have a wing. Drivers side in silver (not gun metal grey) with the indicator and badge - could do with a clean up though, couple chips. Came with the front end I bought but didn't need to use this wing. I'm in South Wales, I dont really want to post as I work long hours and its a nightmare to find anywhere open when I'm around. PM me and we can work something out.
  4. I love these comments, maybe I've made a mistake buying these but they have to be dechromed and I'm looking at replacing the bulb with an LED strip of sorts. I kind of like the bulge...
  5. Exactly my thought, I've made a PM and I plan to open them up and paint the chrome in black - might look @*!# or might look good. We will see.
  6. I've seen Jays car and these wheels are so nice. GLWTS mate.
  7. How much would postage be for the bonnet struts to Cardiff? (and are they hard to fit?)
  8. OversteerPhoto

    My Treefiddy

    Some photos of my Porsche 2D8 911 Green 350z.
  9. I want that spoiler but you are hundreds of miles from me
  10. Just a quick update if anyone is interested. Euro Car Parts have agreed to replace the clutch for free and I have picked up a stock DM flywheel from them too. I'm having this fitted next week, they will take my old clutch back and look into it. I'm sort of happy with this outcome, ideally I wanted to upgrade my clutch but I can't complain with their customer service... for now.
  11. I want that track bumper but you are so far away
  12. Do you still have both front lights? Mine are in terrible condition.
  13. Sure, hope mods don't mind me linking and hope Alex doesn't get offended: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LUK-DUAL-MASS-FLYWHEEL-AND-CLUTCH-KIT-FOR-A-NISSAN-350Z-/371361305453?hash=item5676dbd36d:m:mQDiaqAYjeO_6ca48oH9kOw She definitely grips then slips then grips again - I'm sure I'm driving properly and I've had a friend adjust the pedal so it's lower/higher. Might be easier if I set the go pros up and do a little video showing what happens then send you guys a link.
  14. Joining the dual carriage way as an example - last night I was joining and was around 60mph, upshifted to 5th gear and the revs shot up for a second before the clutch gripped again. Welcome to Zed ownership First thing to do is get underneath and check the joint between the gearbox and the engine - you are looking for signs of oil seepage - if the bearing seal has gone it will be running down and out at the bottom, can be hard to tell if the car has any other leaks as it tends to blow back along the bottom of the engine. While up get a mate to press the clutch you will see the slave cylinder move the clutch "fork" when released the bar inside the rubber boot should be almost loose - you should be able to wiggle it with your fingers if it is still under a lot of pressure then it is not relasing far enough this will contribute to slip. Do the test a few times to be sure it releases every-time. You don't really need the engine running as there is no assistance to the clutch from the engine - however the load will change slightly with the engine running BUT only try this if safe to do so i.e. you have a ramp don't try it on an axle stand please!!! If your not sure I would advise getting a pro to have a look for you or maybe the guy that fitted it just to see if he can see anything obviously wrong. Good Luck I should have read up more about costs before buying such a nice car - a crappy fiesta would have been a much better option until I have a better job! I will call my friend and see if I can pop down at some point to get this checked - thanks for the advice but I'm a photographer/IT guy and not very hands on with engines etc. Thanks anyway I've read enough of the forums to know we all support zmanalex for clutches but looking on ebay (I know, don't kill me!) there's a LUK clutch and flywheel kit and the seller has really high ratings - is it that risky? Just trying to save myself a few quid
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