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  1. Hi guys, Hope all is well, 2005 de - right so I changed one of my valve covers a while ago, putting everything back together didn't go as well as hoped, I took it to the garage and after a couple of gasket changes there was still a misfire, the checked my injectors and replaced some seals, they noticed and showed me pictures of hairline cracks in 4 of the injectors, so I ordered some second hand and had them fitted. Now - code p0304 sometimes and p0300 most of the time and flashing eml light. I have switched coils packs and spark plugs and the p0304 remains (in the same way) . Today whilst taking it for a run to see if the problem persists when warm I noticed in the torque Pro app that my 02 sensor on Bank 2,sensor 2 is irratic and not in line with its brother on Bank 1. Could this be an 02 sensor? Or is the sensor reacting to the misfire? And any other tips or points? Thanks Toby
  2. still available? will happily take this having broken by unit recently
  3. thanks mate, got a phantom 3 advanced and just bought a inspire 1
  4. Evening guys and gals, So for an expansion to my current work (self employed) Ive been getting into drone piloting and operating - doing it all proper and should be fully licensed by may (hopefully) but doesnt mean I cannot fly now just not commercially, I was thinking it would be great to get some footage/pics of some zed's in action, track would be great but a general meet in an area that it is drones are permitted in (Stupidly big fines if your break the rules) would anyone be interested - Of course I will share all photo's and video's
  5. Evening all had a pleasant drive on sat up to warwick accompanied by a silver 350 - we had a little chin wag at a roundabout you had a cobra exhaust - (Wow this sounds a bit lonely heart like!) HI
  6. welcome mate, I was looking this time last year and its been a pleasure - I still smile when shes freshly polished and love the head turning caused by, Ill second what was said about the clutch - mine went around 100k and cost me just shy of a grand, I have the DE model also - though not the most powerful etc if monies on your mind it is £200 a year less to tax which is a bonus. They can be a bit heavy on oil consumption - It seems luck of the draw for if yours is or not. either way enjoy. T
  7. Im going to book it into the garage tomoz and ask for a service with sparks then (good to get the stamps in the book) If its not that and is the cam/crank shaft sensor a big job?
  8. I bought a generic one off ebay/amazon (is blue if that helps) and paid for torque pro off the play store - Works a treat
  9. Afternoon guys and girls, So a couple weeks ago I got a warning light, opened up torque pro and was informed it was cylinder 4 miss fire this happened a couple times but very intermittent - Fast forward and i bought a new coil pack - replaced and seemed fine for a few miles, Now it seems allot less intermittent and mainly running on 5 - My thought is potentially a bad spark plug, its coming upto a service and is on 103,000 so is about time for the next set - Just wondering if anyone had any other thoughts/idea/similar problems? cheers T (Current codes is P0300 + P0304)
  10. I'm driving london to the lake district tomorrow shall be putting the mrs on official lookout duty!
  11. would also like to hear this as im tempted, cheers T
  12. Spotted a silver 350z, i changed into the lane next to you, flashed my hazards as i passed and you flashed mainbeams, I think vinyl down the side? HI
  13. welcome! and as everyone has said - The grin doesnt seem to go! the only time it has for me was when my clutch went! Another option for sound is doing a simple airfilter change to a cone type, gives you a bit more of a roar when you hit higher revs but normal when idle t
  14. ah gotcha, Just to double check something - Whats happening is as I put my foot down (Not every time just sporadical) the revs start to go up as normal then drop down a bit, then continue as normal, this is my clutch yeah? Cheers T
  15. forgive me lack of knowledge what are the benefits to a single mass flywheel?
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