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  1. Selling the original cats from my 2011 370z. They came off the car late 2016 at approx 50k miles. They've been boxed up in the garage since. No idea on what they are worth. £70 + p&p sound ok?
  2. All sorted now. Big thank you to cougar store for assisting. Managed to fit it myself with no issues. Now to try and clean all the tape adhesive off the paint that Nissan left!
  3. They really are not interested and keep saying if my steering lock had a recall it would have flagged up. Once I get it home I'm going to check the part number with that of the recall number. I've had a much better price from cougar store if all tricks fail. Cheers
  4. The car is accessible. I think ill just pay for a flat bed truck to save the hassle. Then onto the tricks of getting the lock to work again! The windows have dropped, will these return if I can get the thing back to life? Cheers
  5. Hi all, I've recently had the steering lock issue, the car wont move and is stuck at Nissan who want to charge me £1800! I've escalated this to customers service who aren't interested. So now I need to look to getting the car moved. Am I ok to tow the 370 for a few miles to get it on my drive where I can decide what my next options are? Cheers Lee
  6. Morning, Got stranded yesterday at my local post office. Suspect it's the steering lock from reading through the above. Car has been recovered and left at my local nissan who will be looking at it friday/monday who I expect will say it's the lock. My car is a 61 plate. Services have been done with nissan and the last one was with cougar store. If for whatever reason I have no luck in them offering to replace for free, can I look at buying the part myself and fitting? Or is there any coding etc needed? Cheers
  7. Tarmac sportz 370z rear diffuser As new, never been fitted. Has a small split on edge from delivery company. See photo £150 ono Coventry collection
  8. Tarmac Sportz side skirts for a 370z As new never fitted £150 ono Collection coventry
  9. Selling the 3 piece tarmac kit. Never been fitted. As new condition £150 ono Collection coventry
  10. Can anyone suggest where I can get this fitted? As I've tried afew places in which they say it's not a very good fit and would need to modify the bumper to fit?! Would appreciate some advice as i though it would be a straight forward job. Thanks
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