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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Yep played for about 17 years now, gigged a few times but prefer playing on my own 😊 Got a nice prestige Ibanez RG1570 which is black with red metalflake, which I use mainly for metal, but my favourite guitars are my Hello Kitty strat (totally love this 😂) and an acrylic LP copy I totally stripped down and upgraded: Theres also a bass and acoustic but nothing overly interesting, as the main stuff I play is punk and metalcore kinda stuff
  2. Another one with the 212 and hardwire kit. Just find that occasionally it corrupts the micro sd card so I try to move files over once a week or so (only really catch stupid driving rather than serious stuff)
  3. Some of the concept art/stills from the set have shown a slightly different alien to the original designs which is cool, but they do look lot better than the prometheus affair (and at least at the end of the trailer those jaws are quite recognisable...)
  4. Got mine from ebay for a fiver, its a copy but works perfectly well. Think they only supported the system up to 2013 but it's good enough for me.
  5. I had a targa supra and actually prefer owning a roadster in terms of how it feels when driving roofless, although maybe for looks I would prefer a targa zed 😂 The issue may be where to store the roof (would it fit in the boot?). In the states you would probably be ok with the weather if you left the panel at home, but over here you may not want to risk being out and not having the panel to go back in
  6. Can't help much but my fans went 2 weeks ago, got the mishimoto direct from them with next day delivery, and for simplicity I got my garage to fit it, they only charged an hours labour so I guess it can't be too hard! As for being noisy, yeah it is louder, but then inside the car you can't hear it, so it's not a problem really
  7. No I didn't, mine went to somewhere in Northampton! But a friend of mine from Bungay had a black one as well which he may have sold on to a local. Hardly ever see any around here anymore
  8. Some nice garages here! One day I'd love something a bit bigger, luckily I have one but it's enbloc so have no power running too it. Plus it is quite tight (i.e I can only get out the door if the passenger side is right by the wall) so I had to be creative with the shelves ☺ I have an old pic of when I had my supra:
  9. I am usually a brand snob but these new models seem to be getting good reviews, especially with the ugraded android 5.1. Think I may treat the 2nd car to one and run it for a while to see how it goes. Taybo - I read somewhere that the xtrons have their red/yellow (i.e acc power/permanent power) wires should be swapped to ensure no drain. If you are loosing memory functions i.e. radio settings then give that a go
  10. The hidden fuse box behind the battery got me once when a fuse blew and it didn't start, can't believe they put so much trim and stuff all over it, such a pain to get to! So apologies if you knew already, but if not pull the scuttle trim off and have a look
  11. Haven't looked on here much, my zed decided to boil its coolant and spray most of it out all over morrisons riverside on saturday 😅 so it got low-loaded back to my house. Adding to the misery I also crashed our second car last week and wrote it off, and I have spinal surgery wednesday so can't drive for a few weeks (probably good as we have no working cars!) Once I am better I can get the zed fixed and might brave a winter meet before everyone locks them away till spring!
  12. I also did a lot of research and got the biggest one I could https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B016DA61V2 Granted it is chunky, but it has dual inputs for quicker charging, 4 USB outputs, and a torch if you need one! It supports fast charging and when fully charged will charge a phone from flat up to 6 or 8 times, so loads of power!
  13. I've tried to get the PIDs to work but no success. Not too bothered as I really only got mine to check and clear codes if they ever came up (can't for the life of me get the pedal dance to work, so for the sake of a tenner I can do codes instantly and also have lots of pretty output dials if needed!)
  14. Stan

    X-wing Z

    Some updated pics I have seen today on fb
  15. Agreed, this is one of the reasons I have a leg sleeve as well... not everyone can put up with getting that done as well! (kneecaps and the back of them are a b*tch!), but equally you do see a lot of 'samey' sleeves from people who just get them because its fashionable; i.e all black and white, few bits of old tribal covered up, and the main images are kois and cherry blossom or angels and clocks, and some cloud backgrounds filling in most of it. I can be content with my sleeves knowing I designed most myself on photoshop, and relied on my artist to do background fills freehand.
  16. I have loads of random ones; Green Day heart grenade, 30 Seconds to Mars logo, some nautical stars, a pirate themed quote, musical clefs, a anatomical heart, Disneyworld Epcot logos, Iron Man helmet, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Mickey Mouse steamboat willie, a Nightmare Before Xmas arm sleeve and a Gen 1 Transformers leg sleeve. I don't like a few that much anymore but no regrets cos I obviously did like them at the time!
  17. Speaking as a collector, that is the reason they are worth more... people want that item for their collection, you can't hold or read the lyrics book with a digital download, or display it on your shelf next to the other rare cds you may own. Prices are dictated by amount sold in the first place, and what condition you'd expect to find them in now. For older cds there is every chance that although there may be 1000s out there, but they will have been played, dropped, scratched etc, so mint cds will fetch more money.
  18. Eil stuff is very overpriced anyway (the band I collect, eil charge £25 for a single worth about £8 at most for example), so they would definitely offer you a lot less. In my experience ebay would be best, if it is something definitely collectable you will get plenty of bids; if it isn't then you'll just have to accept you may not sell it if it isn't desirable
  19. Am I right in saying the link buster put up indicates the 3 loose wires have to be connected to the OBD connector? Cos I already have that split for my throttle controller and bluetooth reader.
  20. There is a great how-to guide on here (with pics) that I followed when fitting mine, it is such a simple mod. Hardest part was fitting my body upside down to get to the throttle connector
  21. I used to be (had over 2 grands worth of Genesis amps and speakers in my old supra) but it got so expensive for something I listened to for 3000 miles a year so I sold it all. Just now building back up more reasonable parts to install like Alpine and Genesis Profile range, maybe some Focal stuff too. Dunno if it is any good but I was hoping to get some door pods when I do my speakers, apparently the stock cards muffle a lot of sound, so putting high end gear in would be a waste. Something like these: http://wickedcas.com/product.php?productid=60&cat=8&page=1 I got my last sub box from them and they have some good ideas for tight spaces (I also have a 350z sub box they do waiting to go in the stock bose location) You could get away with a nice 2 way set up that way.
  22. I ordered some of the facelift DRLs with indicators built in, no problems with shipment or quality, and they work great. I suspect he is importing them and reselling though as the same items can be found on US ebay
  23. I'm on call for work both those dates so will have to catch you guys after that
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