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Everything posted by MikeyM

  1. My light internals are Carbon dipped..makes a big difference to the front..mines a 350z. Love the vents..Nice touch too 😎
  2. Dam... I would have had these as well if not sold. My mate is after a set
  3. looking good but why are you hanging the christmas tree lights to you boot? testing them before you get the tree in Sold the tree, so had to make use of the lights somehow..
  4. I fitted a rear DRL today... quiet please with the way it has come out. It's invisible when off and I also have a switch so I can turn it off at night if I choose..
  5. SP10 on the throttle setting will Deffo make it sensitive to say the least lol If I'm not running it on Norm, I'm on SP07 for me and I have all the mods etc as well..apart from remap
  6. I love it.. but rather it was not Carbon fiber.. once I go down that route piggy bank gets to much of a kicking 😣
  7. Never seen this post before for some reason.. I'll have one of these as well please if still in stock
  8. This is currently awaiting it's day in court to be resolved. The cost was £500 initially
  9. I didn't do mine myself but it's not a major job from what I could see
  10. MIne is a 52 plate Fairlady import but only 87k on clock so in good nick. Have a K&N panel filter and an after market exhaust but not sure what it is - think it was put on in Japan. Have you had an Uprev done? Not had Uprev done yet..everything is in place for it.. plenum spacer, fully decat exhaust set up.. Typhoon intake etc. I do want it done but moving house in a few months so priorities have taken over lol
  11. I have a modified 05 plate GT in Azure blue... what about yourself ?
  12. Welcome to the forum buddy.. your about 35 mins away from me .. I live in a village called Mere 😎
  13. I had some "cheeky" leds on the front of my old MR2 show car .. great at shows, but never used on the road of course 😉
  14. I think lighting is making a comeback and it looks cool at night when parked up at an event. But, it will always have its haters, so at the end of the day if it's your car and you like the idea then go for it 😎
  15. Shame on the distance issue.. my Azure blue is for sale but at the top end of your price range.. details are on FB page for 350z/370z owners
  16. MikeyM

    Wtd: 350Z Key.

    If I want a spare key for the zed.. do I need to buy it from Nissan dealer with internals so it's coded or can you buy a key of eBay and have the blade cut then internals coded ?
  17. MikeyM

    Wtd: 350Z Key.

    I'm wondering if I could get a key place to cut me a blade initially?
  18. MikeyM

    Wtd: 350Z Key.

    I only have one key for my zed.. which is worrying.. anyone know the best and cheapest way to get a 2nd sorted ?
  19. I've used it many times..especially after arriving at an event 😎
  20. Guy Martin is so down to earth and genuine it's impossible not to enjoy his enthusiasm and at the Roger Moore house, his innocence to a large degree lol Loved the program and dam yeah we need more like this 😎
  21. On the off chance that anyone has one and is anywhere near Sussex at all so I can collect it tonight or tomorrow If not anywhere near Sussex has anyone got one anyway Cheers in advance Mobile if anyone can help is 07714461810
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