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Everything posted by MikeyM

  1. I have exactly what your looking for and would upload photos to exited you, but for some reason photobucket is not working and once you were on the hook you would realise it's a plane trip up to collect 🤔
  2. I've got a 32" curved light bar ready to fit as well.. it's perfectly legal as said, providing it doesn't damage the retina of any oncoming drivers lol
  3. Have you ever tried or experienced a D1 throttle controler ? I'm just trying to work out if this is any better for the extra cost, additional features aside
  4. What's the fit like with these ? Do they need a bodyshop or are they pretty good 😎 ?
  5. MikeyM


    Anyone interested in selling a set of Tein S springs for £90 delivered to IV55 8GA ? I can see them on sale for £156 brand new including postage so kinda feel in all honesty £90 for a 2nd hand set up is about fair posted. I'm not posting this to offend, I'm just been honest 😎
  6. I'm loving the rear spoiler.. I have one but didn't want carbon. How have or are you going to fit and secure that rear spoiler by the way ?
  7. I have a pair buddy which I bought from Chris at Tarmac some time back. Now not needed due to a direct intake fitted. However, drawback is I am currently in Skye and the vents are in Wiltshire and I'm not down due there for another few weeks at present.. so if you don't get sorted your welcome to have those for whatever it was I paid plus postage. They are also just plain black, not carbon
  8. MikeyM

    Side splitters

    I wish ! Sadly I seen them advertised in the US for just $135 but they won't deliver to the UK
  9. MikeyM

    Side splitters

    I really do like these
  10. I still use thier metal Polish.. it's very good. And have used some of thier other products in the past.. never had any complaints 😎
  11. How awsome would this be on our zeds.. I actually spoke to a friend of mine who is an alarm genius and he said with air fitted it's very easy to set this up with alarm 🤔 https://youtu.be/A4uVWewesWo
  12. Not heard of that happening.. If it was me I would simply unplug it from loom..put loom back to normal..start engine, see if noise gone. Then plug controler back into loom and see if it comes back ..of not, great, if it does, logic says fault with controler 🤔
  13. For £1500 I would get a non turbo MR2 .. make excellent track cars 😎
  14. I fitted mine top right hand corner of my screen, easy to access and can't be seen from the outside due to sun strip 😎
  15. Was on More 4 this evening with the guys resurrecting a 240z 😎 and they also took out a new 370z for a blast to see how the Z had changed over the years 😎
  16. Did you have much adjustment etc to fit the arches on ? Only asking as I have a set to do at some point. And did you cut much of your original arches away ?
  17. Both sadly.... ������ That sucks D: Tempted to DIY my own, but don't fancy putting them in the oven when they are so valuable, nor do I trust myself to reseal them properly. Oven is one method.. there are other ways. I have done it with rear MR2 lights in the past. That bit I am ok with.. it's the electronics/ wiring I am useless with
  18. Think I remember reading that. Was it shoddy electronics or just not re-sealed properly? Both sadly.... 😑
  19. That's my Zed on you tube..sadly the **** who did the work made a complete f@#k up of the job and I ended up having to sue him. Shame because otherwise it would have looked fantastic 😣
  20. Like the effect, nicely done 😎 You wired them on a switch or into sidelights or ?
  21. I have a new Audi A6 Quattro with the sequential indicators on rear.. love em, but don't understand why Audi didn't do the front as well 🤔
  22. I fitted them on the front..long story short.. it went tits up due to bad workmanship and ended up sueing the company. Rears that I have seen work and look absolutely mint were done by Zleds in the US and cost BIG bucks
  23. I feel your pain with the lack of super unleaded..living here on Skye in the Highlands it's a 30 min trip each way for it.. so I'm cautious with the revs in general..not ideal in a 350z, 😣
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