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88 Zed

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Everything posted by 88 Zed

  1. There was a scam I heard of before with messages similar to that one (but longer in length) saying you'd watched a video that you shouldn't have for free and needed to pay money or face prosecution. You really shouldn't click on links or anything in these types of messages or emails. Can open up a whole load of trouble. If it's stuck on your phone I'd try "Apple customer support". There wasn't anything to open really, just the message at the bottom or dismiss.. bit worried now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. It came up on the lock screen and the only thing you could click on was "dismiss" or "why am I receiving this message" I clicked on the latter and it explains that it's either and emergency broadcast thing Orr someone after my details :s Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I've just revived this on my I phone 7, anybody seen it and know what it is? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Wow so what I'm reading from this is the phones seem to have more effort put into them than the tablets? Funny you guys should mention the battery as that's what kept failing on his last tablet (second hand samsung something or other) I'm wondering weather a asus or similar system as long as it uses android then? I just want one that's not going to take years for him to get used to
  5. Morning all, me an my sister are looking to buy my dad a Samsung tablet for farthers day but we both have always used Apple. Looking to spend around £150 / £200 what would be the best option? I say Samsung because he has a Samsung phone and really isn't the most techy person! Any help is appreciated thanks.
  6. In my opinion we will never stop it compleatly. There simply isn't enough resources to monitor who is being brainwashed and where. Even if we could there will always be people who will hate the UK or the west in general because we are involved in bombing other country's. Why do we get involved in other country's? Because war is a billion pound business.
  7. Get some copper slip on the threads asap before it seizes on!
  8. Yea I'm gonna do my research before I go taking the box out. I know it's not as simple as pressing new parts onto a shaft but it's something I thought I should really learn about being a mechanic with 10 years experience. Plus it will save me some money that could be put to better use!
  9. Is it true that they get rid of the restricted throttle in 1st and 2nd gear?
  10. Agreed, I paid a lot less for my Zed than I would if it was a uk car, it's got VSC, brembos, LSD, AC, HIDs, it's been undersealsed but no leather or jap nav! From what people say their JDMs are equipped with on here I think it's down to an options list rather than a spec sheet? They seem to be very varied. My only worry with them is that the millages can be fiddled with when they are imported and swapped to MPH.
  11. Hi all, has anybody replaced gearbox internals on a DE import? I'm considering attempting the job myself, any advice is welcome.
  12. Mine doesn't have brembos but it's for TC,AC, Sat Nav (still in Japanese though) might get some brembos for it though! Going to jack up the car and spin the wheels to make shore! Do it! Looks like you might be in luck by your pics tho, I've put the alpine car play system in mine and it has AC, I guess I got really lucky with my import! It's just a shame people see them as a lesser car than the uk models
  13. I've got a JDM and it's got an LSD and brembos It's just as good as a UK model only cheaper
  14. Oil pressure is one of the triple gauges you mean?
  15. http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh513/andycavanagh114/D20F243C-90A1-46A3-AFEC-F237573EE8F8_zpspr0sodpt.jpg Like this?
  16. One from our little pick nick adventure today. Except it's not because I can't upload from an I pad 😒
  17. I fitted the xtream clutch and light weight single mass flywheel kit from Clark Motorsport a while ago, highly recommended í ½í±
  18. How much water / coolant did you put in? Sounds like it's low on water, or thermostat stuck open.
  19. Yea I was impressed by it, I've been using a laser pointed thing that gives you a reading but this seems a lot more detailed! What's your sons business called? He is Mobile Eco Tuning ..... well thats the mobile side of the business where he has around 5 vans on the road covering the South, but he has opened a technical workshop as well in Weston Supermare, from there he does all the electrical/electronic work for a lot of the main dealers, also involved with Theo Paphitass and his racing cars..... among a few Dose he do training courses? I was looking into getting involved in the remapping market, there is more use for it these days, especially with the modern Diesel engine, DPF deletes etc. It's persuading my boss that he will get left behind if he doesn't keep up with the technology that's the hard part!
  20. Sounds like it's not a simple as point and see, the snap-on version dose come with a database of known good and bad images for different faults. I think for the money involved I'll keep using my trusty laser pointer. It seems to do the job í ½í±
  21. Looking at the flir site, they look similar but the buttons are different, maybe they re-designed one for snap-on?
  22. Yea I was impressed by it, I've been using a laser pointed thing that gives you a reading but this seems a lot more detailed! What's your sons business called?
  23. Any technicians on here seen the snap-on thermal imaging camera? I was impressed but I think a grand was a bit too much for what it can be used for. I'm sure snap-on haven't developed it themselves and was wondering if anyone knows who the original manufacturer is. It will surely be cheaper from them! Cant upload an image from my I pad for some reason but here's a video
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