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Simon A

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  1. Thanks for the advise ..... Not sure when clutch fluid was changed, probably ages ago ....... I had the brake fluid changed about 18 months ago. The car is booked in for a check over early next week and will be getting the clutch (and brake) fluid changed ..... Will see how it goes and fingers crossed that fixes it ....If it doesn't and there isn't anything obviously wrong..... I will have a good think about an Uprev remap, just been reading some articles and posts .... they sound rather good !
  2. Hi Folks ...... I have a 57 Plate HR with 49k miles ....had it nearly 2 years and love it .....it has always done a small hiccup when going slowly in 2nd gear and picking up the throttle. A few weeks ago it got a bit worse and is starting to annoy me, not helped by the traffic being rubbish again after the summer holidays. It doesn't feel clutch related to me .... it feels engine related, however the car runs great other than this. Any ideas ...plugs, coil packs, sensors, injectors, vac leak .... Any advice will be much appreciated before I spend any of my hard earned trying to fix.... Cheers Simon
  3. Simon A

    My Z

    My Z ......
  4. I have managed to get hold of a set of wheels so am sorted !!! Thanks for the reply's
  5. Cheers Paul ..... That saved me a few quid .... Thanks
  6. Thanks for reply Jimbaw .....however I am only interested in a set in silver .....they do look nice though !
  7. I am looking for a set of 350Z 18" Rays in silver in very good condition, with or without tyres. Please PM me with details .....
  8. Hi NW ..... Lets make that 120 1.HiVarley16 - Stoke 2.martinmac - Southern Lake District 3.Unabashed - Northwich 4.AK350Z - West Cumbria 5.HEADPHONES - Manchester 6.Ricey - Chester 7.Greeny - Chester 8.ChrisS - Corwen 9.ste01 - St. Helens 10.Matt L - Stoke 11.Quavey - Lancaster 12.LukeaJones - Rhyl 13.Clarkie34 - Wigan 14.JetSet - Chester/Deeside 15.ray350gt4 - St helens/Rainhill 16.Marzman - Macclesfield 17.Brown7758 - Chorley 18.Jenni86 - Bolton 19.threefiftyz - Preston 20.Bakseedaa - Preston 21.M13KYF - Altrincham 22.370nel - Warrington 23.rogerxp - Stockport 24.|Chris| - Manchester 25.haz65 - Leicester 26.Beavis- Newcastle Under Lyme 27.Dillydot82 - Preston 28.iram - Manchester (black edition no.123) 29.ianphampton - Hyde (Gtr Manchester) 30.xstric9x - Wrexham 31.RichieB - NW Cumbria 32.cowie - West Cumbria 33.88291 - Chester 34.andyh83 - Bolton 35.Goodatcrashing - Altrincham (only during holidays) 36.andylb - Preston 37.Squee - Chester 38.manphibian - Blackpool 39.reddog6 2 st annes 40.Sickboy123 - Bolton 41.Philw99 - Macclesfield (Gtr Manchester) 42.dragon - Bury 43.Chee350 - Southport 44.blahblah - Wrexham 45.yellowspeedster - Colne 46.Mr mav - Wirral 47.bobmac - Lancaster 48.dave/cath - Manchester 49.Hubris - NW Cumbria 50.JohnPaul - Liverpool 51.TomS - Manchester 52.Swifty - Manchester 53.Bodeboo - Wirral 54.JAMIE MOY - Dundee, Tayside 55.LiamR - Lancaster 56.the.man - preston 57.Sharpen - Manchester 58.Patwudz - North west Cumbria 59.ray350gt4 - St Helens 60.Badger - Crewe 61.kew777 - Southport 62.MikejUK - Bolton 63.jhutch - Stockport 64.Moo8774 _ Crewe. 65.Gravy- Preston. 66.Mike - H Runcorn. 67.N9JAH - Stockport 68.Diab2005 - Chester 69.ian9r - Sandbach 70.Ridz - Wilmslow 71.Louisa911 - Kirkby Lonsdale 72.Flyboy - Stafford 73.Devilz101 - Stalybridge (Gtr Manchester) 74.Phil370z - W Cumbria 75.Hash - Bradford 76.Woods1 - Leyland 77.MrRoper - Leylan 78.Dayy - Warrington 79.csscallum - Lancaster 80.duke17_22 Holmes Chapel 81.Easty - Lowton (Warrington Area) 82.Chris "Doghead" Dorgan - Crosby Liverpool 83.maddog1982 - Sandbach (Cheshire East) 84.misterchris-Stockport 85.DJB55 - Grappenhall / Warrington 86.Andygore - Warrington 87.westy1304 - NW Cumbria 88.Spatt - Bury 89.Briggsybriggs1- clitheroe (blackburn area) 90.Patwudz - North West Cumbria 91.lbeddowscbr - warrington 92.Wayne370Z - Astley 93.SHEZZA - Newcastle under Lyme 94.Stanski - North Manchester 95. paulp4als- Cheshire 96.370Z-Warrington 97.Floydbax - Knutsford 98.Wilster - bolton 99.Varley16 - Stoke 100.Black bear - Bentham 101.VRichie - Manchester 102.cearnshaw85-Preston 103.G-girl -Lytham 104. CoximusMaximus - Lancashire 105. Ponsonby - Natwich 106. scooterboy - Rochdale 107. 98duffa - Warrington 108. GenralTB - Wigan 109. marmitethecat -Wigan 110. K155CHF -Clitheroe 111. A2Zed - Holmes Chapel 112. Jonnymonno - Stoke 113. Smc1992 (Scott) - Bradford 114. Slates - Colne 115 carquake - Chorley 116 TT350 - Gtr Manchester/Rossendale 117 Fire_eyes - Knutsford 118 350z_reside -- Cumbria 119. 1101 (Nick) - Wigan 120 Simon A - Preston
  9. Thanks for the welcome messages ..... Yep it's on 20's ...... It sure looks the part.....however, the roads round here (near Preston in the good old NW ) aren't that great so am thinking I will try to get a set of 18" Rays ..... need to get a post on the wanted forum !
  10. Hi Folks .... I am a 350Z owner for nearly a week now ...... wah hoo .... love it Been a large diesel estate man for 15 years so this is a complete and total opposite in every respect ! Thanks to the 350Z Forums for providing much good advice which helped me check for some of the things to look out for with my new car. Cheers Simon
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