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Everything posted by GizmoGold

  1. Is it the clear pearl neo tint your thinking of? Like this... http://m.ebay.com/itm/12-x84-Chameleon-Neo-Clear-Pearl-Headlight-Taillight-Fog-Light-Vinyl-Tint-Film-/161378117326 If I find that colour in the uk thn I'll probably try it out as long as its under a tenner for the film ðŸ˜
  2. Wow...haha it would look great until you first get pulled
  3. To save you travailing over and then back on yourself, the best place to meet us would be at the venue. If you look on a map, right by the entrance on Dunsfold road there is a pub called 'the three compasses' their car park is on the road. so if you wait their as we pass I can hand you your passes and everything. we aim to be there for around 8:30 however could be a bit earlier if the roads are good travelling over. so if you could try be there by 8:20 that would be brilliant. Thank you! That'll be perfect â˜ºï¸ and thanks for organising it
  4. I'm heading down from Shere (so 20 mins away from Dunsfold). Should I meet you guys on the way in?
  5. Thanks for the pics! They look great!
  6. Who was it who had the number plate mount which screwed into the front tow bar? Was it custom made?
  7. Turns out that an old employee from my current job currently works there as a principle analysis engineer. I'll definitely check it out =)
  8. Haha thank you, I could be tempted to move =p
  9. Ooo definitely interested! Erm...our main focus is stress analysis and design substantiation, but I've ended up doing projects in totally different areas. For example, I spent a week at JLR's production plant to find ways of improving their efficiency/reducing the amount of faulty cars which leave the line. (It's pretty shocking when you see how many cars come off the line and instantly need a respray or parts of the engine replacing!)
  10. My current company has just decided to make the whole management team redundant and I have a feeling once they're gone the company is going to be a sinking ship. So can anyone recommend any recruiters who're based around London? I'm currently trawling the web and uploading my CV everywhere/anywhere, but I've always found that recruiters tend to get better results. I've worked within pretty much most industries whilst at this consultancy, so I'd be interested in any kind of discipline. Thanks in advance! Chris Edit: I'm currently a consultant engineer and have a degree in Mechanical Engineering. (Have experience in the following fields: Nuclear, Automotive, Process, Production, Design, Defence, Vibration, Monitoring)
  11. I've seen a few cars with it at other shows, but I'm waiting for someone to say its legal before buying some. I'm getting away with the number plate spacing atm so don't want anything else to make my car stand out to the police
  12. I kinda like the effect too!
  13. Have you got your mind set on the colour and spec? and yeah, lets see your old cars!
  14. Woo! My procrastinating is about to sky rocket again tomorrow at work
  15. I think I owe this forum for the amount of advice and the guides I've used so far
  16. Thanks Amy for organising the show! I got a fair few pics from today and as much as I want to post them all, I think 200+ is a bit excessive! Click the link below the pic to go straight to the album I've been playing with Lightroom so if anyone wants the original pic of their car just PM me and I'll send it your way Also, sorry in advance if I missed you car! http://s556.photobuc.../Niss Show 2016
  17. No Man's Sky is getting destroyed in reviews...most say it's a good indie game, but not work the AAA price tag
  18. I stupidly bought my gf a ticket without checking if she was free 😠so I'm bringing my dad instead 😂 his only concern was me scaring him on the drive 😆
  19. +1 for the single exit
  20. I'm doing exactly the same, got a spare set delivered yesterday from Jon@Emporer and once they're sprayed up/fitted I'll be selling my original ones =)
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