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Everything posted by GizmoGold

  1. lets see some pics of the Type R What colour Z are you on the hunt for? or have you not decided yet
  2. Looks like I'm going to be a guinea pig for two things! The view actually isn't restricted at all, luckily you only see a few black lines!
  3. lets see some pics! =p wouldn't mind seeing the evo either
  4. I got the film today ...but my MOT is due this month, so better try putting it on after just in case!
  5. Haha! I had a very bad day at work and that lil stretch of road is the one chance I get to relieve a bit of stress using the accelerator Hopefully we'll have a local meet again soon!
  6. I've got the same set but in purple! All the long ones are for the plenum. I than just worked my way around the bay removing bolts and placing them next to the new ones to find out which size to use. There should be a rough diagram on the ebay page to show the areas the bolts are used. You can use this pic to help: http://i.ebayimg.com...EZG/s-l1600.jpg
  7. Wow, I'm going to have to see what they say to me!
  8. They look amazing in red! Do you live nearby or did I catch you heading onto the M3?
  9. Why does this bonnet have to pop up when I'm poor! 😓
  10. back! What had you modified on your previous one? and what's the plans for this?
  11. What car did you come from and where abouts are you?
  12. have you got any pics? You live in a great area to go out for drives all the time!
  13. I thought I'd see how much Adrian Flux was going to be, even though it's not due for a few months. Got a quote of £390 which includes my few mods (28 w/ 6yr NCB)
  14. Thanks for the pics Zippy, already stolen the one of my car for IG
  15. That's a fairly big difference in cars! So what convinced you the Z was the best choice? (you made the right decision =p)
  16. Look forward to seeing some pics of the Z
  17. I've posted some pics and a link to the photobucket album in the media section for anyone to have The stand looked great, I wish we could have got an aerial shot of it!
  18. I took a few pics today of the cars so thought I'd better share I'll only post a few, but the link below is to the album: http://s556.photobuc... and Wheel 2016
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