I broke up with my gf of 3 years, who started as a one night stand, earlier this year and I know what you mean about the kids. I'm 27 and apparently every girl my age already has kids =
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Goddamn! I'm 27 and the other half is 22 and she won't stop banging on about kids! Why are they so keen at such a young age? I'm holding out for as long as possible. There is no way a GTR is coming my way with kids in the picture. Unless I offer to sell them to Ekona (Don't hate me).
My brothers 25 and already has a 1 year old, don't get me wrong cos he's a great kid but I just don't want my own yet. I'd much rather do all the travelling and fun I can before I decide to settle down and spend all my money on a kid.
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