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Everything posted by GizmoGold

  1. My 56 has started doing the same =/ I put in 2L about 3/4k miles ago because it was very low. I luckily checked it after Japfest and it was below minimum again. I'm not seeing any smoke (which I guess is a good sign), but I'm going to take everyone's advice and start checking the oil level weekly to see how quickly it's dropping.
  2. More than likely to be me, I drive through every day to get to work.
  3. No guessing required, they are going to stay there, until the end of time! Hahaha so true!!
  4. Right indicator on is a great German technique that is completely ignored in the UK. right indicator on means you're an arse - I know you're there and I will get out of the way as soon as i can anyway ..... now you're just pissing me off You only use it if you know they can get out your way and haven't done it for some reason (not paying attention etc.). I wouldn't sit behind you with it on for no reason. The indicator on while in the outside lane, on the continent, is also used to let drivers that might come up behind you on long empty highways, know that you are aware you are in the overtaking lane and are in fact overtaking (usually at around the speed limit -as opposed to anyone who comes up behind you going faster but also faster than legal). The first time I drove in France it took me a while to realise why everyone was indicating while overtaking. But it's actually pretty handy because as you said, you know the car is only overtaking and will move back into the next lane as soon as they've passed. A lot better than trying to guess what people on UK roads are going to do next!
  5. I've got the Torqen S spacers (25mm Rear and 20mm Front) and love the look!
  6. 1. DDay 2. Darkside 3. Rich260 4. Payco - PA04YCO - Parade- YES. 5.Zippypooz 6. Paul K 7. terry06 8. Chippychip123 9. Edd20022 10. Dunks 11. Pritchard 12.GizmoGold - G15MO V - Blue - Passenger
  7. thank you! (now I can stop pretending I know what people mean when they say T4 =p)
  8. I just spoke with them on the phone and they're "having problems" with a lot of the tickets. They're building a list atm of people who haven't been sent anything and should be sending the email today Has anyone got a site map to show where the club stand is?
  9. Link please so I can pay for mine :-) Same here please =)
  10. I wanted to hate it...but the trailer actually looks good!
  11. 1. DDay 2. Darkside 3. Rich260 4. Payco 5.Zippypooz 6. Paul K 7. terry06 8. Chippychip123 9. Edd20022 10. Dunks 11. Pritchard 12.GizmoGold
  12. I forgot to post that I'd paid! 1.andy james (paid) 2. Nso93 (paid) 3. 14N (Paid) 4. Smc1992 5. Jamieebury (Paid) 6. garygranite 7. bababongles (Paid) 8. iandecjak(Zclub) (paid) 9. GizmoGold (Paid) 10. RobbiesZed 11. Huw (Zclub) (paid) 12. Farmer42 (zclub) (paid) 13. ZEUS (Paid) 14. Mr&Mrsgreen 15. Harryjax - Paid 16. lloydshaw-PAID 17. Low IQ - Paid 18. Richie94gts - Paid 19. mjr23 - Paid 20. Cloud1440 (paid) 21. Jamie_350z 22. Big Rex 2 (Zclub) (paid) 23.dcrobbo (Zclub) (paid)
  13. My email says I'm going to be send the tickets and passes prior to the event. But I also got the pdf with the barcode. I'm guessing the pdf is just incase they don't arrive. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Did anyone receive any confirmation of the order? I got the email from paypal, but nothing else from the event
  15. Love the sound of your exhaust! I'm still surprised when I come across another Z when driving Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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