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Everything posted by GizmoGold

  1. Here's something you can try yourself: 1.) Locate a good location or somewhere dark if you just want to practice (remember to be safe) 2.) Tripod is a must unless you have super steady hands that can hold your camera at the same position for over 20-25 seconds. 3.) Camera settings - 'M' mode, shutter speed of at least 10-15 seconds, aperture of F16 and above, any white balance. 4.) Compose your shoot, start off with 15 seconds, F16, ISO 200. Take a pic 5.) Check the picture, make sure background is bright enough with this setting. Don't worry if your car is not bright at this stage. If too dark, change to 20 seconds and decrease speed if needed. Once you are happy with the background, move to next step. 6.) Using same setting, once you press the shutter, start pointing your torch on your zed. Move as fast/slow as you want, as long as you cover the light all over your zed. Best if find is to avoid lighting the ground, mainly just on your zed. 7.) Once done, you should get a good pic. For star effect, up your aperture to max F24 but you will need to max your shutter speed to 30 seconds. If you zed is still not bright enough, you might need to use a brighter torch or you'll need to up your ISO to maybe 400 or 500. But doing that, you might find your background too bright hence might want to increase shutter speed to 25 or 20 seconds. Play around with these parameters and experiment as you go. For them 'tron' lines, all you need to do is just walk around your zed, point the torch towards your camera and paint away. If your shutter speed is 20 seconds, you basically have 20 seconds to paint =) Thank you! Definitely going to give this a go and I'll let you know how it goes =)
  2. I'll be there =) and yeah what time leave? just in case I can't roll out of bed quick enough...
  3. My best line is "you only have it because you live close to work"...I don't think people understand that the Z was one of my dream cars and I would have got it no matter how far I lived from the office Also get asked the mpg question all the time
  4. Really like the photos! I'll need to find someone down south to teach me how to use my camera!
  5. Looking forward to this! Do we know what other clubs are attending?
  6. I've been stung a lot recently by pre-order hype so I'm trying to stick it out. Watch Dogs was a giant fail and Titanfall was fun but the playerbase dropped so quickly!
  7. I've had my Louvre on for a few weeks now and I want to get around to tidying the edges with a run of sealant down each side on the glass. Can anyone suggest a sealant which is satin black? It's not to bond anything, just make it pretty (If possible, can this get moved to 350 section please. No idea how I posted it in the wrong one!)
  8. Does anyone know why my phone would suddenly be logging me out and making me enter my password whenever I try viewing the forum on Tapatalk? It only started happening today and I can't find any reason why =s
  9. I've had mine a while now and it can be loud when I want it to be, but it doesn't drone on the motorway at normal speeds. Sounds amazing in tunnels I also got bored at work when we got new sound monitoring equipment, I've got standard cats and it was about 98db at 4k revs.
  10. I think that'll be the best plan, thank you! Also, sorry I just realised my previous message came off a bit abrupt!
  11. Thanks, I've already done a google search but I'm hoping someone has instructions to show where the bolts are when the undertray is removed. I've seen an image before with the areas circled but can't find it again.
  12. Does anyone have an image of where the bolts are for the undertray to be secured? Mines currently cable tied up, but droops and I want to replace with a metal one. But I have no bolt holes in the centre of the car, so I'm guessing they've snapped off in the past and I'll need to drill them out. A photo of the hole locations will make it easy for me to find out what I need to do I'm also going to be plastic welding the tabs on the front bumper as they've all snapped off =/
  13. I've been trying to work out how to repair mine, definitely looks like I'm going to have to copy you!
  14. I'm trying so hard to resist preordering for the PC, I recon I'll wait a week to see peoples opinions before buying it. Also slowly working my way through FO4 and just started playing Prison Architect again
  15. I've got a teddybear monkey on my chest, ying yang on my wrist, a fight club quote on stomach and an exes name on lower stomach I've had 6 laser sessions on the name and it has semi-faded, but thinking I'll need a cover up in the end =/ (I'll find pics after work and update)
  16. I was starting to give up on Netflix, you've just given me a reason not to cancel it yet! I tend to watch every episode available of a season back to back so get through them pretty quickly!
  17. I was sat waiting for my eurotunnel train last month and had the battery die after leaving the radio on for a few hours = but I was charging 2 phones and a satnav at the same time. Jump started it but missed my train 😓 Sent from my iPhone using
  18. Great pics! I feel bad now for being shocking at using my camera, going to have to practice before next weekend!
  19. GizmoGold


    I like the linea wheels...
  20. Hahaha! I'd be too scared to leave mine in a car park for a week!
  21. Sorry to hear the news =/ I hope you find a new Z soon!
  22. Wow! I know what I'm going to be buying tomorrow!
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