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Everything posted by TheGecko

  1. TheGecko

    Wanted: 350z

    Thx guys - all sorted now, so off the market. Not a 350z yet I'm afraid, but maybe next summer
  2. TheGecko

    Wanted: 350z

    Nice car, but not looking for body-mods really. GLWTS. Still looking - I've got a oranger roadster near me for sale, but would prefer a coupe. Still hunting ...
  3. TheGecko

    Wanted: 350z

    Hi mate - yeah, unfortunately the ones I might've been interested in have sold Especially that lovely orange one ... I'm possibly being a bit fussy, but I'm after a good, solid car I can use occasionally. Getting a non-molested one seems to be the hardest part.
  4. TheGecko

    Wanted: 350z

    Hi all - I'm considering a 350z, and thought I'd post up what I'm looking for, in case I get lucky. I'm looking for (highest priority first) :- - £8.5k or less. Exceptionally I could go to 9k. - A car with the major service done, or not yet due for awhile. The better the service history, the more I'd be interested. - Un-modded, ideally a UK car. Coupe's preferred. - 'Interesting' colour : not really looking for standard silver. Orange, black and blue fine. - North-west UK, or North Wales, are ideal collection points for me. Don't want much, do I? She Who Must Be Obeyed would rather I buy a Subaru Forester STI, but I've done the Subaru-thing in the past, and fancy something different. Cash is burning a hole in my pocket - looking to purchase ASAP, but will wait for the right car. Thanks! All sorted now!
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