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Everything posted by Stuggerz

  1. Evening all, I need a new windscreen seal and roof seal for my 04 zed. Before I trot to nissan direct does anyone know where I can source these from? Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks Stuart
  2. Good link was worried that I would see something scary All good tho passed every time.
  3. Cheers guys these are edited on my phone. Once i get onto the laptop i will remove the plates and post some more pics
  4. I have difficulty finding a good private plate... as I do not want my initials on it due to the spelling SAG lool (my parents obviously didn't think this through)
  5. Morning all, Went for a morning cruise yesterday to take some practice shots of the cars. Here are a few. Will upload some more later today
  6. I have the gtr conversion on mine. Came with it on. I wil try n take a pic for ya.
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