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Everything posted by Stuggerz

  1. 1. SuperStu (2 wall and 1 desk) 2. GMballistic (1 desk top) 3. Veeg33 (1 wall and 1 desk) 4. Andy_Muxlow (1 Wall and 1 Desktop) 5. rothers2901 (2 wall) 6. Kev T ( 1 wall ) 7. Mattross1313 (1 Desk) 8. Vik54 (1 Desk) 9. eatonm90 (1 wall) 10. Varley16 (1 wall) 11. buster(1 wall) 12. The Big Miester (1 wall) 13. -G- (2 wall 1 Desk) 14. andyjames (1wall) 15. Brummiestormer ( 1 wall) 16. Paddy (1 wall + 1 desk) 17. Paul K ( 1 wall + 1 desk) 18. Stuggerz ( 1 desk ) 19. KyleR (1 Wall) 20. Ebized (1 desk) 21. MBS (2 x wall + 1 desk) 22. Stevod (1 x wall+ 1 x Desk) 23. Rob350 (1 wall & 1 desk) 24. Stoker11 (1 wall) 25. ricochet (1 wall) 26. Beb (1 wall) 27. Keyser (1 wall) 28. glrnet (1 wall, 1 desk) 29. Dunks (1 wall) 30. ioneabee (1 desk) 31. ilogikal1 (1 desk) 32. Lyndzzz (1 wall) 33. Irn Bru ( 1 wall) 34. Flex (Desk top) 35. Clark Motorsport (1 wall + desktop) 36. Evilscorp (1 wall)
  2. Not sure on who's it is.. Im just searching for a build thread
  3. 1) Zippypooz - N44SSN (PAYCO too) 2. Stuggerz - S7UG V (Plus Mrs) 26th is a wednesday? and the 26nd isnt a real thing lol
  4. Ooooo an actual steering wheel. Lol looks good. Love abit of neo chrome
  5. Morning all, Been a while since my last post Quick zed update: Tein Springs 17mm on front 14mm on rear Stoptech pads all round Bridgestone potenza's all round Drilled/slotted discs all round Weirdly my rear left wheel is rubbing on the arch every now n then? I have changed the rear shocks but still occurring. Will have to roll the arch. I have just taken delivery of this android headunit... I have purchased all connections needed and fascia plate from incartec. (Also DAB adapter) so hopefully this weekend I will be able to give a review of installation,fitment and usability/functions etc. Also Thanks to Bob for the bmouth meet. Was a really good day with lots of new zed friends made.
  6. Yeeeeesss Finally another Southampton Zed Welcome. Pm me and I will arrange a Local meet. there are few others local. Stu
  7. 1.Andy James +1 2.Buster +1 3. Keyser +1 4. Valy + 1 5. Evilscorp 6. teejay + 1 for being lazy. 7. Andy_Muxlow +1 8. STYLZ+1 9. Paul K + 1 10. Rob350 + 1 11. Roasty + 1 12. Humpy 13. Tomb 14. Chippychip123 +1 15. Riichard +1 16. Brummiestormer+1 17. Irn Bru +1 (provisonal) 18. Kbad + 1 19. Dunks + 1 20. Stuggerz + 1
  8. 1. SuperStu (2 wall and 1 desk) 2. GMballistic (1 desk top) 3. Veeg33 (1 wall and 1 desk) 4. Andy_Muxlow (1 Wall and 1 Desktop) 5. rothers2901 (2 wall) 6. Kev T ( 1 wall ) 7. Mattross1313 (1 wall) 8. Vik54 (1 Desk) 9. eatonm90 (1 wall) 10. Varley16 (1 wall) 11. buster(1 wall) 12. The Big Miester (1 wall) 13. -G- (2 wall 1 Desk) 14. andyjames (1wall) 15. Brummiestormer ( 1 wall) 16. Paddy (1 wall + 1 desk) 17. Paul K ( 1 wall + 1 desk) 18. Stuggerz ( 1 Wall )
  9. Not the final edit.. still playing about.
  10. Massive likes. cant wait to see whats next.
  11. @Humpy bahaha I havnt yet. I will do. I keep forgetting
  12. Can people stop commenting on this thread.. i keep checking it for pics lool
  13. I still think for a 5er there is hope lol
  14. Keep seeing a ginger zed in southampton. Hedge end on Monday evo and then the itchen bridge thrusday. Anyone on here?
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