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Everything posted by Stuggerz

  1. Wish i got a wall calendar as well... lol i made October
  2. Lets not get lost this time humpy loool
  3. 1. Nso93 2. Buster 3. KPowell 4. Blocko 5. andy james 6. 350_jer 7. low IQ 8. 14N 9. MattRweb 10. Humpy 11. Short Paul 12. davey_83 13. SHEZZA 14. Stuggerz
  4. Andy James +1 PAID 2 tickets ,1 stand pass,Tracktime 2.Buster +1 PAID 2 tickets,1 stand pass. 3. Keyser +1 Paid 2 tickets 1 stand pass 4. Valy - PAID 5. Evilscorp - PAID 6. teejay + 1 7. Andy_Muxlow (PAID 2 Entry & 1 Club stand pass) 8. STYLZ+1 9. Paul K + 1 (PAID 2 entry and 1 club stand pass) 10. Rob350 + 1 PAID 2 tickets, 1 show pass, track time (12:40) 11. Roasty + 1 PAID 2 tickets 1 club stand pass 12. Humpy - paid 13. Tomb 14. Chippychip123 +1 15. Riichard +1 16. Brummiestormer+1 (2 Entry & 1 Stand Pass) 17. Irn Bru +1 tickets and hotel booked, no stand pass 18. Kbad + 1 (PAID 1 Entry & 1 Club stand pass) 19. Dunks + 1 20. Stuggerz + 1 (PAID - 2 passes plus stand pass) 21. 14N - PAID (Free t-shirt too ). 22. Gizmo + 1 23. Nso93 24. MattRwebB +1 (2 tickets and 1 pass PAID) 25. jdm2003 +1 26. SHEZZA PAID 1 ticket, 1 stand pass 27. SUPRAWOOKIE +1 - PAID 2 tickets ,1 stand pass 28. OliverB PAID, 1 stand pass 29. nick2016 30. Panman +1 31. Rshep1 +1 PAID 2 tickets and 1 stand pass 32.Niknik350 33. Queenie +1 PAID 34. MarkSt - PAID 35. Bob94 +1 36. nismoandy - paid , 1 stand pass 37. glrnet PAID STAND PASS 38. Amyzed +1 39. Bigjimg + 1 tickets and hotel booked, no stand pass 40. Reeceybeaney + 1 2 camping tickets, 1 stand pass 41. Spatt + 1 (waiting for engine to be rebuilt) 42. Modo (Mike Oliver) +1 Paid stand pass Travelling from Leicester on the day. 43. Willow990 (simon wilson) +1, show pass, tracktime (not paid yet) 44. Mr P + 1, stand pass, track time. Paid 45. Billy-jo +1 46. DrMurderDeath +1, (Chris Jones) 2 tickets & 1 Club Stand pass 47. Apoc124
  5. Afternoon all, Android head unit installed. I have no wiring skills or knowledge... so this task would of been impossible if I didn't have assistance from my uncle... i say assistance. ... he pretty much dragged me through it lol I do feel I have learnt alot and could do this again if needed. Massive thanks to everyone who has posted a guide. (Especially Buster for his volume mod ) The major problem I had to overcome was the fascia plate. It doesnt fit... so I could alter it... or the easier option... buy a 3d printer and make my own So for temporary purpose I have made a rubber surround at work. Which actually looks ok. The head unit is amazing. In a nut shell its just like having an android tablet in ur car. Simple to use.. tons of apps. I have the dab adapter aswell. If anyone has any questions regarding install or the unit please feel free to ask. The model number is: TD618AS
  6. I think you should test it first.... for ebay selling purposes. I wouldn't want you to get a bad review for selling a faulty product. Whats the worst that can happen... you hit 88 mph and go back to the future?
  7. For jesus christ..... my wallets telling me noooooo... but my body... my bodys telling me yeeeaaah
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