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  1. I know this thread is a couple of years old, but just wondering is there any update on who can uprev tune? I really just need my 02 sensors disabled to clear a check engine light after fitting high flow cats, wondering is there anywhere I can get this done or is Abbey the only place on the whole island lol
  2. I thought I saw someone on here at a stage offering 'help' when it came to passing mot with hfc... My car does about 2k miles a year and is excellently maintained mechanically so I wouldn't feel too guilty about getting an easy mot tester (pms welcome lol)
  3. My cats and y pipe were a bit worse for wear so snagged a Stillen y pipe from someone on here and Zmanalex hooked me up with some (we think) unbranded hfc for free since they had been badly bent... Anyway, I didn't want to keep my oem cats/y pipe and priced around different scrapyards. Received offers from £80 right up to £300 (which I took). That more than covered the cost of my replacement parts, but made me think even if anyone was just looking to swap to hfc, it could be done for very little money. ... Just in case anyone's on the fence and needs a nudge in the right direction
  4. Aye sweet I'll make them fit. Top man. I'll shoot you a pm here
  5. Are they high flow cats or decats? The bend doesn't bother me. Just want to be able to pass mot without having to change them in/out every year. My y pipe flange has rusted away so good excuse to change out stock cats while I'm in there
  6. Any aftermarket y pipes or high flow cats you're looking rid of Alex?
  7. If I buy the whole thing for £649 does anyone want the agency power for £549
  8. I have an agency power... interested in that stillen y pipe
  9. Yea just the 10 bolts for the w brace. From memory theres 4 bigger bolts that are central then 6 smaller ones (3 each side). Shoot me a pm with payment details and price. I'm in Belfast NI if that makes any difference to postage.
  10. All of them. Want a nice fresh set as mine are all stinking. Only 1 stripped though so didn't get away to badly
  11. Do you have a set of w brace bolts in there? Finding it strangely hard to get a set! So much goodness my head wants and my pockets won't allow
  12. So much want Bad luck with sale - so I can buy them when I get more monies
  13. I also want one if anyone is making
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