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  1. karen14


    Hi does anyone have any tips to clear washer jets / hose? Drivers works but not passenger and water is full. Thank you.
  2. Hi all Im looking for an AMP for my 350z, it is the AMP situate in the speaker behind the drivers seat. would love to hear from someone as my 05 350z is too quiet!!!
  3. HI all, Amp on my 05 Z has gone and trying to get replacement,  any suggestions?

  4. Thanks for the responses, I'll check the oil. There I no smoke and on first drive from holiday drove rough. Ill keep you update. Have a great weekend
  5. Hi all, I let my fuel run low in error. Needle was between the empty and quarter. Hubby put fuel in for me but the "tappers" are making a loud clacking noise. We suspect there may be an air block and the fuel supply needs bleeding. At what level is the fuel warning light supposed to come on? I have just got back from holiday and the car sounded ropey when I first started the engine. I did one run and it then seemed okay, subsequent starting has caused the problem. Any thoughts people?
  6. karen14

    My Zed Karen Devon

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