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Everything posted by S7nny

  1. You could always break it for parts!
  2. S7nny

    This annoys me...

    It truly is an idiot nation. People can't seem to be held accountable for their own actions. But who should really be to blame for that? The idiots that sue these companies, or the system that allows them to?
  3. Maybe a kickstarter campaign is in order?
  4. Got room for another Zed to work on?
  5. Pretty much exactly what 370Ad said. Sorry, Womble! It's on hold apparently!
  6. Hey Sarah, glad to see another addition to the Berkshire contingent!! It's lucky you didn't keep the plate - that may have given off a bad first impression....
  7. That button does both the rear window and the wing mirrors, Sianny!
  8. Looking forward to seeing what you go for!
  9. I'd prefer the Mustang idea!
  10. Haha.....I know someone selling an RV as well Fancy a trip to the desert?
  11. Big Bang Theory comes straight to mind! Yeah, it takes a long time to get established, generally. But once you have your solid client base it can be a really good profession. you could always start up a meth lab...
  12. Tell that to your ceramic throne!
  13. I enjoy the looks it gets when I drive by groups (especially kids). It's even better when I bump into someone I haven't seen for quite a while and they stare at the car and say 'Your business MUST be going well' when in actual fact it's a fraction of the cost of their Golf. As far as traffic courtesy goes; I haven't noticed any real difference between this and the (SUPERCHARGED TWIN-TURBO ROCKET) Peugeot I was in before.
  14. Ah, the most common rookie mistake! The body cannot absorb that much protein in one sitting, so you'll just end up shitting the bulk of it out! Excellent bit of info, Wmr. I've also heard that casein is a better choice of supp for anytime protein (even though it is primarily marketed as an overnight suuplement).
  15. What if it's a kidney you've seen and liked?
  16. I could still very much be up for this!
  17. Ah, nice one mate!! I've got more to do to catch up then!
  18. You get what you pay for, eh Ricey?!! I'm hitting all 3 Spartan's next year! Pre-registered already (: Yeah, the Tough Mudder name is expensive.
  19. I'm still running with the stock telegraph pole, to be fair. Jumped straight in at the exhaust! Welcome aboard, Jon!
  20. So, I have a facebook page that could do with a few more likes in order to increase exposure. I was hoping that the lovely people of this forum (little bit of brown-nosing) may help me on my way to global recognition. www.facebook.com/vanquishpt Thanks in advance...
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