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Everything posted by S7nny

  1. S7nny

    2006 DE W Brace

    'I understand you're a man who knows how to get things'
  2. S7nny

    2006 DE W Brace

    Needs replacing! I did pm him but he didn't seem to take too kindly to me opening the messages with a Shawshank quote and has since ignored me - hence my newly placed advert here (: I'd prefer to avoid eBay, but may have no choice..
  3. S7nny

    2006 DE W Brace

    I need a new W Brace as mine is taking on a red/brown hue and it's unsightly. Please advise!
  4. I'll do you a session for £35! That's 1 hour of painnnn. (Plus travel costs)
  5. Dammit! Definitely jealous! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I hear AC/DC are looking for a Triangle player...
  6. I broke up with my gf of 3 years, who started as a one night stand, earlier this year and I know what you mean about the kids. I'm 27 and apparently every girl my age already has kids = Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Goddamn! I'm 27 and the other half is 22 and she won't stop banging on about kids! Why are they so keen at such a young age? I'm holding out for as long as possible. There is no way a GTR is coming my way with kids in the picture. Unless I offer to sell them to Ekona (Don't hate me).
  7. I'm a Personal Trainer. So yeah, I'm that guy...
  8. That moment that you're praying for a typo....
  9. You could get aids, that's pretty bad. On the plus side; you can only catch it once! I try not to, tho I did meet my girlfriend at work. she was here on a visit from another office. Doesn't work for this company anymore and I knew she was leaving when I met her. In the past I worked running pubs and clubs and to be honest I was a different person back then, my current set of criteria was certainly not in place. I just decided after numerous failed relationships that i was picking up woman in the wrong places. Or picking up the wrong women in the right places.
  10. Wow, thanks for all the tips =) I'm definitely going to try the comedy sketch trick to get an actual smile. I'm also doing the old-fashioned approach of chatting to people when out. But like nowhereboy said above, the girls I meet in a nightclub aren't there for a relationship. I know I'm generalising and you'll probably see me talking about this stunner I met in a club in a few months If you're out in a club potentially looking for 'the one' then why can't that hottie at the bar be doing exactly the same thing? Or maybe you/her have been dragged out by friends or are just enjoying a bit of a social life. Worst case scenario; it doesn't work out. Best worst case scenario; you get some 'horizontal slow dance' practice in for that woman you never approach or talk to online
  11. It's no different from going out to a bar and approaching a stranger, except that you get an insight into their personality before making contact. Plus, you're slightly more likely to be sober whilst 'scouting for talent'. Interesting. I wouldn't approach a stranger in a bar either, it's just cheesy and again I'd have little respect for someone that could be so easily obtained. Wow, I sound like a right weirdo but that's just my feelings on it So, how do you make friends or meet new people? Do you just wait for them to approach you? I'm a tad confused..
  12. It's no different from going out to a bar and approaching a stranger, except that you get an insight into their personality before making contact. Plus, you're slightly more likely to be sober whilst 'scouting for talent'.
  13. POF was a load of fun when I used to be on it. Tinder showed up not long after I got tied down for the forseeable future so I haven'texperienced it. Although, she seems to be blocking my attempts to save for a GTR so she might soon be under the patio, never to be seen again.
  14. I also have a Swann system set up at my house with 4 cameras. All HD, and night vision is brilliant! You can access them 24/7 via iPhone wil a live feed and smooth framerate. Highly recommended!
  15. Perfect! I'll try to figure out a time I'm free! Being self employed isn't as flexible as you'd think! Cheers buddy!
  16. I believe so!! No map yet - no. Figured I'd get a few mods on first otherwise I'll just have to get it redone after each one anyway. Multiple birds with one stone! The map will take place with the cats, according to plan. As will the plenum spacer
  17. Ive heard good things about the cobra recently, and I'm swaying more in that direction since the Berks is a 50/50 risk. Rich, where are you located? If it's within a reasonable distance would you be open to letting me hear the setup?
  18. DE - should've specified!
  19. DE - should've specified!
  20. I might know someone that could overlook certain things on an MOT! Omissions for Emissions! Berks-gate - the fact that they seem to trip the CEL quite a lot.
  21. So, I've recently installed an Invidia Gemini to my 06 GT and whilst doing so I discovered a need for some new cats. I understand there are millions of threads on this topic, but since Berks-gate I feel the game may have changed. What would everyone recommend now? Is there a specific brand/model you'd suggest or is a de-cat more preferable?
  22. Hey buddy! Could you stick Jonny's wheels on this zed please?! Obviously when you're feeling better!
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