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Everything posted by S7nny

  1. A quarter tank of fuel won't get me very far!
  2. I'd skip the pop in all honesty!
  3. The tyres are tempting me. No mention of coil overs?
  4. Perfect answer! I'll drop a picture in so you can see what I've got currently. Newbie alert!! Quality geo??
  5. Slave and master might be on the list as well!
  6. It comes with brembos as standard. Which tyres? Haha, it's fully taxed and insured!
  7. Let's say I have £1000 to spend on a stock GT 2006 350Z DE. What would you do with it?!
  8. Excellent news! I'll chew your ear off!
  9. If there is enough interest I'd be keen to arrange something - will give me a chance to learn a bit more from the community and get some inspiration!
  10. Oh really? Where is that?
  11. That's not too far at all. Beaconsfield services is screaming for a meet up and we're pretty much equal distance from there!
  12. I had to Americanise the 'Z' to get that to work, but it was worth it! Any Z owners in or around the Windsor, Berkshire area? It would be nice to know who's nearby!
  13. I might bug Tom (posted above) and see if he wants to meet up and compare cars!
  14. Okay, just tested it out. It idles cold at 1400rpm and 650/700 when warm. Do we just assume I'm being paranoid?
  15. May just be me being paranoid, but better safe than sorry, right?
  16. Yeah, oil is all good! I'll double check tomorrow in case I'm losing some somewhere!
  17. So 1400 cold and 650 warm. How long should I give it before we can all agree that the engine is warm?
  18. My bad; should've specified what I had! Mine is a 2006 GT DE. Depressing the clutch does reduce the whirring sound, but still leaves quite a loud idle. I'll check the Rev count when I'm next in it and see where it idles on cold and then I'll see how it is when it's warmed up and report back! Compete spaz when it comes to these things so thanks for being patient!
  19. Hey everyone. This is going to be pretty vague, so I apologise in advance. When the engine is cold and I start my Z up it sounds like the idle is quite loud. I'm not sure if this is a standard 350 trait, or if it is slightly abnormal. I've tried videoing it but the sound quality isn't good enough and doesn't really highlight what I'm hearing. I did have a search for similar issues but couldn't find anything. Any help/advice would be appreciated.
  20. Looking pretty! I can't make my mind up on the kit though. It's like an ugly kid that you HAVE to love, haha. I think it'll grow on me though (:
  21. Ah, I've got a whole lot of expensive sounding excitement ahead! A service is definitely on the cards. I, too, will likely change out the fluids So, apparently the clutch issue is the master cylinder. Lovely little job 10 days after getting the car -_-
  22. What issue is that? My right wing mirror also fails to fold back out occasionally!
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