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Everything posted by S7nny

  1. 'IDx' is 3 letters long. That's one letter short of the mandatory minimum of 4 for a search. Hopefully your day hasn't been ruined by my blatant crime against humanity. I crave your approval.
  2. I really hope it pulls through. I'd like to see this car happen
  3. I've heard it's set for release in '16 and will sell for around $23000 in the US...
  4. I'm glued to CS:GO these days, got to global so now tempted to start ESEA or a similar ladder but not sure I want to be spending £5 a month on subscriptions to play on them. Cheaters and raging russians are getting a bit depressing on valve mm. Ahh, it sounds like 1.6 all over again!
  5. Warrior seems to be a fan favourite here, and rightly so! Gattaca was an incredible film and was recently available on NowTV. Well worth a punt.
  6. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm getting a little excited over the concepts for the IDx Freeflow/Nismo. It's got a hell of a pretty shape in general, and like most of Nissan's fleet; the only thing that would need tidying up would be the rear end.
  7. I'm purely a console gamer due to the fact hat I can't justify basically buying a new PC every 2 years. Although I desperately want to revisit CS:GO....
  8. Sunningdale is literally round the corner from me. Basingstoke isn't that far either, in the grand scheme of things
  9. I've been juggling between Battlefield Hardline and Rocket League for the past couple of months. I've been patiently waiting for The Divison since it was announced about 9000 years ago... ):
  10. I posted the exact same article on my page this weekend! https://m.facebook.com/Vanquishpt?_rdr Have a peek (:
  11. No playboy keks? What's wrong?
  12. S7nny

    Custom body kits

    Do we have any members on here that are rocking the stardast fenders? May be worth finding out where they sourced them from. I'm excited to start sculpting this beauty!
  13. S7nny

    Custom body kits

    Ahh, the Vizage is more angled, but they are very similar!
  14. S7nny

    Custom body kits

    Good spot - thank you!
  15. I guess time will tell! So my offer still stands! Always happy to give out advice or guidance relating to fitness and nutrition (:
  16. S7nny

    Custom body kits

    Stardast's contribution is the most appealing part of it, to me. I'm not expecting to replicate the whole thing, but the feedback so far has been helpful. Thanks!
  17. I don't think that'll hold up in court, Womble!
  18. S7nny

    Custom body kits

    Yeah, he's got the nicest looking Z I've seen. I don't particularly like the colour, but somehow it still works for me! Which bunny kit looks similar?
  19. PT's in general, I have found, know diddley squat. Advocate high intensity circuit training for ANY goals. Generally don't look like they train. Or eat. Tell you "you don't need a separate day for arms. If you do - you haven't trained the rest of your body hard enough" said no man with 20" arms. Ever. Kettlebells. Kettlebells. Kettlebells. X 1000 They advise myths like "light weights and high reps to TONE up". Bum crossfit. Got their "qualifications" from a half day course at a local college or online. Generally misguide new gym-goers. In my gym it's agony not to tell the poor suckers not to listen to the guff they're being wafted. But. There are decent ones out there I'm sure and I have no reason to believe you're not. It's just PTs (that I've come across) really get up my nose lol. Apologies for any offence. Haha, sounds like you've had a poor experience, my friend. HIIT isn't to be underestimated, by any means. But it's certainly not a 'one size fits all' application. I train 5-6 days a week depending on work hours and eat like a horse that's stoned off its tits. I specifically train my arms separately from anything else and don't bank on them being trained purely as a synergist. Kettle bells do make an appearance in my training, but definitely do not make up a large part of it. I just appreciate their versatility and abailability (especially in a busy gym). The first thing I say to people when they tell me they want to 'tone up' is that they need to sort their nutrition out and that no amount of weights will get them the six pack they want without them fixing the way they fuel their body. Crossfit is not something I agree with as it teaches poor form for a lot of important movements and is also a major cause of injuries. I trained with Premier Training International and it definitely didn't take me half a day at a local college. No offence taken (:
  20. S7nny

    Custom body kits

    You tell me!! Some of it is based on Stardast, but it's all been reshaped and customised.
  21. I'm actually a PT, so if anyone needs any help or advice feel free to hit me up!
  22. S7nny

    Custom body kits

    Does anyone know of anybody that actually builds custom kits?
  23. I could be tempted! I'll get back to you on it!
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