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Everything posted by S7nny

  1. Fair play to the guy he's worked hard, I'm sure I met him at japfest last year (when we all stuck down some narrow farm track) and I'm pretty sure he didn't look like that then. You certainly won't find me posting photos of myself in gym gear on here.....no matter how great I look lol Bummer. That's the only reason I joined the forum!! I think tough mudder will be pretty easy! A lot easier than a 26 mile run, for sure!
  2. Mine is a non sat-nav edition so it can't be that! I'll get a cheeky snap of it and post it up in about 2 hours!
  3. I've done some searches, but not found what I'm looking for. Everyone seems to think it's bluetooth related, but that's the centre console, is it not? Sorry to OP for hijacking this!
  4. Definitely mean the glovebox behind the passenger seat. I was cleaning my car yesterday and took the carpet/mat thing out of the glovebox and there is a tray underneath it with some sort of wiring/box on the underside of it... I'l get a picture next time I'm in the car!
  5. I'm running Tough Mudder on the 26th of this month and after that I'm going to focus on packing on some size and weight. I've been fannying around with cutting for too long and knee injuries are making training difficult. Got a lot lined up with my Osteo and deep tissue masseuse to fix me up and then I'll be back on the wagon to beating my PB's! Motivational posts encouraged!
  6. What's the tray in the glovebox all about? and what's wired to it?
  7. It depends how much work you want to put into it. If you're in no rush, I'd say to have a look around. There are plenty of good buys out there that may be better (and cheaper) in the long run. My 2 cents...
  8. Now I feel like an idiot. Don't know how i missed that!
  9. The Windsor contingent is slowly growing!
  10. Are you all on commission or something?!!?! Someone try to sell a package to me
  11. Yeah, looks like the clamp has come loose - I could just get a new clamp and proper tighten it up, but who knows how long that'll last?!
  12. So it's started making this noise - whilst stationary and idling and seems to get worse with acceleration. Is this the dreaded axle clicking? I can't quite figure it out. Video inbound....
  13. That's looking incredible! How much has this cost you so far?
  14. I've never ever been keen on driving sims. I've stretched as far as NFS. and we all know that's just a modding game. Fallout 4 Rainbow 6: Siege The Division Black Ops 3 Need For Speed Those are on my christmas list!
  15. Ahhh, there's my opportunity for some salvage!
  16. Welcome to the forum!! Can't wait to hear the next story - hopefully it ends with another car!
  17. The shell is the priority, yes. If it comes with the internals then I could be tempted to attempt some amateur surgery (:
  18. I've been looking for a shell!! No breakers yards have any in! That's literally all I want from the car
  19. There must be something seriously wrong with it!
  20. Fully running. Bummer!! Do you have a link at all?
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