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Posts posted by S7nny

  1. Do they taste better when drunk?!!! ;)


    Only edible when drunk, that point where you think "yeah, mixed meat kebab on salad with garlic sauce and extra chillis" is a good idea, is about 20 mins after you should've stopped drinking :D


    I eat them sober!! hahaha, guess that makes me an animal.

    What fast food doesn't? It's the only time a KFC is considered tasty :lol:



    For me, it has to be a large mixed kebab, with lashings of chilli sauce, huge pot of salad with extra chillies (but hold the cucumber), and another tub full of roasted peppers, onions and mushrooms. Give me about 2-3 breads to fill up with it, and I'm a happy man.


    Again, I like a sober KFC too.

  2. Hey guys I think the time has come to upgrade the console as it's become a repetitive farce trying to make enough space on my 16GB 360 for the constant, massive game updates that are required these days. Given that it doesn't appear to be cut & dry about which is the best console to get this generation (I think we can all agree that the 360 was "better" than the PS3?) I was wondering whether anyone had gone back to Sony for the PS4 this time around?


    Some of you would say it's only £350 so why not buy both consoles, but I'd rather not have the faff and expense.


    I'm a casual / quick fire gamer so leaning more towards FPS, but I do sometimes get wrapped up in RPGs.


    I understand that MS will soon be rolling out backwards compatibility for 360 games which is nice, but my experience of this function on the 360 was a bit disappointing. It would be an important consideration. I think Live is a great matching service and have only heard bad things about PS Network.


    My only other concern is the respective financial condition of the manufacturers; MS is still cash rich while Sony has been teetering on the verge of bankruptcy for what, ten years now? I don't want to invest in another Dreamcast...





    I think you'll find that the PS3 was a bigger success than the 360 in terms of sales.


    I've always bought both consoles to make a fair comparison and Sony win every single time in my eyes. The consoles are a lot smoother and better running and I prefer PSN over live (yes, it had a few issues but it was free for the entirety of the PS3) and I also find that the playerbase on PSN is a lot more mature than the Live players.


    I'll stick with the PS4, and most likely the PS5 when it comes out.

  3. Is it really worth getting it that much? I haven't played any of them since the first one all those years ago...


    Since finishing GTA V I haven't touched my Xbox 360 for probably 8 months, got MGS on the 360 about 1 week ago, it really is good. I completed the last MGS on PS3 but this one takes it to a whole new level. It's as the reviews say, you can actually do any mission any way you like.....and there is no sitting through 20-30 minutes of un-skippable cut scene this time....Well not much :)


    On the 360 is looks decent and very playable - just got the combat missions activated, I imagine on a PS4/Xbox One it must look amazing!!


    I keep going through the process of ordering it and then bottle it at the last minute because I don't want it enough!

  4. Well that's where you're wrong or at least misinformed. :)


    When you teach people to lift either Olympic lifting or powerlifting one of the first things you do as a coach is teach how to bail.


    You can be controlled and get a nice deep squat with no knee collapse, no lumbar flexion, good neutral spine, good hip mobility and good posterior chain activation but not get out of the hole (proper deep squat non or this partial squat nonsense). If you can't you need to bail. It is safer to bail than to try and compromise your form.


    That said if you haven't been taught how to bail using catchers placed below parallel is good enough. :) the problem with catchers is they can get in the way of your ROM.


    I don't coach people to fail. If they aren't ready, then I won't push them into it.

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