Which dual carriageway? Is that on the way into bagshot?
Sorry, really bad at knowing which road I'm on.....I think it's the A329M towards Bracknell, from the Wokingham turnoff all the way past the roundabout where the Waitrose depot is and basically all the way to Bracknell.....is a 50mph max (roadworks near coral reef are 40mph at present). Drive at that speed though and you'll have a lorry up your tailpipe. But you're right, the Bagshot road further up (also a dual carriageway) up as far as the M3 is a 50mph, there's a mobile speed camera likes to hang around there so beware.
Yep, that's exactly where I was thinking of. Used to travel up that way 3x per week, although I never saw a mobile unit there! 50mph is a stupid limit which I guess is only really there because of the roundabout system they have there. Good fun to drive down that road though!